Control System functions
Control System functions
Algorithms for designing, analyzing and tuning linear control systems.
- abcdchk - Verifies the dimensional compatibility of matrices A, B, C, and D.
- acker - Pole placement gain selection using Ackermann's formula.
- append - Appends the inputs and outputs of the two models.
- augstate - Append state vector to output vector.
- balreal - Gramian-based balancing of state-space realizations.
- bdschur - Block-diagonal Schur factorization.
- bode - Bode plot of frequency response, magnitude and phase data.
- c2d - Convert model from continuous to discrete time.
- care - Continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation solution.
- cloop - Feedback connection of multiple models.
- compreal - Companion realization of transfer functions.
- ctrb - Controllability of state-space model.
- ctrbf - Compute controllability staircase form.
- d2c - Convert model from discrete to continuous time.
- damp - Natural frequency and damping ratio.
- dare - Discret-time algebraic Riccati equation solution.
- dcgain - Low-frequency (DC) gain of LTI system.
- dlqr - Linear-quadratic (LQ) state-feedback regulator for discrete-time state-space system.
- dlyap - Discrete-time Lyapunov equations.
- dsort - Sort discrete-time poles by magnitude.
- esort - Sort continuous-time poles by real part.
- evalfr - Evaluate frequency response at given frequency.
- feedback - Feedback connection of multiple models.
- freqresp - Evaluate system response over a grid of frequencies.
- gensig - Create periodic signals for simulating system response.
- gram - Controllability and observability Gramians.
- hsvd - Hankel singular values of dynamic system.
- impulse - Impulse response plot of dynamic system.
- initial - System response to initial states of state-space model.
- isct - Checks if dynamic system model is in continuous time.
- isdt - Checks if dynamic system model is in discret time.
- islti - Checks if variable is an linear model tf, ss or zpk.
- issiso - Checks if dynamic system model is single input and single output.
- isstatic - Checks if model is static or dynamic.
- kalman - Design Kalman filter for state estimation.
- lqe - Kalman estimator design for continuous-time systems.
- lqed - Calculates the discrete Kalman estimator configuration based on a continuous cost function.
- lqr - Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design.
- lqry - Form linear-quadratic (LQ) state-feedback regulator with output weighting.
- lsim - Plot simulated time response of dynamic system to arbitrary inputs.
- lyap - Continuous Lyapunov equation solution.
- minreal - Minimal realization or pole-zero cancellation.
- nyquist - Nyquist plot of frequency response.
- obsv - Observability of state-space model.
- obsvf - Compute observability staircase form.
- ord2 - Generate continuous second-order systems.
- padecoef - Computes the Pade approximation of time delays.
- parallel - Parallel connection of two models.
- pole - Poles of dynamic system.
- series - Series connection of two models.
- ss - State-space model.
- ss2tf - Convert state-space representation to transfer function.
- ssdata - Access state-space model data.
- ssdelete - Remove inputs, outputs and states from state-space system.
- ssselect - Extract subsystem from larger system.
- step - Step response plot of dynamic system.
- tf - Constructs a transfer function model.
- tf2ss - Convert transfer function filter parameters to state-space form.
- tfdata - Access transfer function model data.
- tzero - Invariant zeros of linear system.
- zero - Zeros and gain of SISO dynamic system.