
Compute controllability staircase form.


  • [Abar, Bbar, Cbar, T, k] = ctrbf(A, B, C)
  • [Abar, Bbar, Cbar, T, k] = ctrbf(A, B, C, tol)

Input argument

  • A - State matrix: Nx-by-Nx matrix
  • B - Input-to-state matrix: Nx-by-Nu matrix
  • C - Output-to-state matrix: Ny-by-Nx matrix
  • tol - scalar real (tolerance).

Output argument

  • Abar - Observability staircase state matrix.
  • Bbar - Observability staircase input matrix.
  • Cbar - Observability staircase output matrix.
  • T - Similarity transform matrix.
  • k - Vector: number of observable states.


ctrbf(A, B, C) decomposes the given state-space system, defined by matrices A, B, and C, into the controllability staircase form.

This results in transformed matrices Abar, Bbar, and Cbar, along with a similarity transformation matrix T and a vector k.

The length of vector k is equal to the order of the system represented by A, and each entry in k denotes the number of controllable states factored out at each step of the transformation matrix computation.

The non-zero elements in k indicate the number of iterations required for T calculation, and the sum of k corresponds to the number of states in Ac, the controllable portion of Abar.


A = [-1.5  -0.5; 1     0];
B = [0.5; 0];
C = [0   1];
[Abar, Bbar, Cbar, T, k] = ctrbf(A, B, C)

See also



1.0.0initial version
