Calculates the discrete Kalman estimator configuration based on a continuous cost function.
- [L, P, Z, E] = LQED(A, G, C, Q, R, Ts)
Input argument
- A - State matrix: n x n matrix.
- G - Defines a matrix linking the process noise to the states.
- C - The output matrix, with dimensions (q x n), where q is the number of outputs.
- Q - State-cost weighted matrix
- R - Input-cost weighted matrix
- N - Optional cross term matrix: 0 by default.
- Ts - sample time: scalare.
Output argument
- L - Kalman gain matrix.
- P - Solution of the Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equation.
- E - Closed-loop pole locations
- Z - Discrete estimator poles
[L, P, Z, E] = LQED(A, G, C, Q, R, Ts) Calculates the discrete Kalman gain matrix L to minimize the discrete estimation error, equivalent to the estimation error in the continuous system.
A = [10 1.2; 3.3 4];
B = [5 0; 0 6];
C = B;
D = [0,0;0,0];
R = [2,0;0,3];
Q = [5,0;0,4];
G = [6,0;0,7];
Ts = 0.004;
[L, P, Z, E] = lqed(A, G, C, Q, R, Ts)
See also
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | initial version |