Audio playback
Audio playback
Audio playback functions.
- audiodevinfo - Get audio devices information.
- audioinfo - Get audio file information.
- audiometadata - Get/Set metadata of audio file .
- audioplayer - Audio player object.
- audioplayer_delete - Removes audioplayer object.
- audioplayer_fieldnames - Returns the properties name of an audioplayer object.
- audioplayer_get - Get property value from audioplayer interface.
- audioplayer_pause - Pause an audioplayer object.
- audioplayer_set - Set object or interface property to specified value.
- audioplayer_stop - Stops an audioplayer object.
- audioplayer_used - Returns list of current used audioplayer handle.
- audioread - Read an audio file.
- audiosupportedformats - Get audio file supported formats.
- audiowrite - Writes an audio file.
- beep - Produces a beep sound.
- isplaying - get info about audio playback is in progress.
- lin2mu - Convert audio data from linear singal to mu-law.
- mu2lin - Convert audio data from mu-law to linear signal.
- play - Plays an audioplayer object.
- playblocking - Plays an audioplayer object with blocking.
- resume - Resumes an audioplayer object.
- sound - Convert matrix of signal data to sound and play it.
- soundsc - Scale data and play as sound.
- stop - Stops an audioplayer object.