- Overview
- functions_manager
- addpath
- builtin
- clearfun
- feval
- inmem
- isbuiltin
- ismacro
- ismex
- macroargs
- path
- private functions
- rehash
- restoredefaultpath
- rmpath
- userpath
- what
- which
- modules_manager
- addgateway
- addmodule
- gatewayinfo
- getmodules
- ismodule
- module.json
- modulepath
- nmm
- nmm_build_help
- nmm_build_loader
- removegateway
- removemodule
- requiremodule
- semver
- toolboxdir
- usermodulesdir
- core
- banner
- eval
- evalc
- evalin
- execstr
- exist
- exit
- feature
- inputname
- isunicodesupported
- license
- maxNumCompThreads
- namelengthmax
- nargin
- narginchk
- nargout
- nargoutchk
- nelsonroot
- nfilename
- pause
- prefdir
- quit
- run
- sha256
- version
- engine
- argv
- executable
- finish
- getnelsonmode
- isquietmode
- #! shebang
- startup
- interpreter
- abort
- break
- continue
- for
- function
- if
- iskeyword
- keyboard
- max_recursion_depth
- numeric types
- parsefile
- parsestring
- switch
- try
- while
- display_format
- disp
- display
- echo
- format
- formattedDisplayText
- localization
- getavailablelanguages
- getdefaultlanguage
- getlanguage
- setlanguage
- i18n
- gettext
- i18nHelpers
- poheader
- characters_encoding
- native2unicode
- nativecharset
- unicode2native
- types
- class
- isa
- iscell
- ischar
- isclass
- isdouble
- isempty
- isfloat
- ishandle
- isint16
- isint32
- isint64
- isint8
- isinteger
- islogical
- isnumeric
- isobject
- isreal
- issingle
- issparse
- isstring
- isstruct
- isuint16
- isuint32
- isuint64
- isuint8
- isvarname
- overload
- overloading
- logical
- false
- logical
- true
- xor
- single
- single
- double
- double
- flintmax
- realmax
- realmin
- data_structures
- cell
- cell2mat
- cell2struct
- celldisp
- cellfun
- cellstr
- fieldnames
- getfield
- iscellstr
- isfield
- namedargs2cell
- num2cell
- orderfields
- rmfield
- setfield
- struct
- struct2cell
- dictionary
- configureDictionary
- dictionary
- entries
- insert
- isConfigured
- isKey
- keyHash
- keyMatch
- keys
- lookup
- numEntries
- remove
- types
- values
- table
- Accessing and Manipulating Tables in Nelson
- Direct computation with Table
- Read/Write table to files
- array2table
- cell2table
- head
- height
- istable
- removevars
- renamevars
- struct2table
- table
- table2array
- table2cell
- table2struct
- tail
- width
- integer
- int16
- int32
- int64
- int8
- intmax
- intmin
- uint16
- uint32
- uint64
- uint8
- sparse
- full
- nnz
- nzmax
- sparse
- speye
- spones
- string
- append
- blanks
- char
- contains
- convertCharsToStrings
- convertStringsToChars
- count
- deblank
- endsWith
- int2str
- isStringScalar
- isletter
- isspace
- join
- mat2str
- matches
- newline
- num2str
- replace
- sprintf
- startsWith
- str2double
- strcat
- strcmp
- strcmpi
- strfind
- string
- strings
- strjust
- strlength
- strncmp
- strncmpi
- strrep
- strtrim
- tolower
- toupper
- function_handle
- Anonymous Functions
- func2str
- isfunction_handle
- str2func
- handle
- delete
- get
- invoke
- ismethod
- isprop
- isvalid
- methods
- properties
- set
- error_manager
- MException
- error
- getLastReport
- lasterror
- lastwarn
- rethrow
- throw
- throwAsCaller
- warning
- debugger
- dbstack
- profiler
- profile
- profsave
- constructors_functions
- Inf
- NaN
- diag
- eps
- eye
- i
- ones
- pi
- zeros
- operators
- all
- and
- any
- bitand
- bitor
- bitxor
- cat
- colon
- ctranspose
- eq
- ge
- gt
- horzcat
- ismember
- ldivide
- le
- lt
- minus
- mldivide
- mpower
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- ne
- not
- or
- plus
- power
- rdivide
- shortcutand
- shortcutor
- subsasgn
- subsindex
- subsref
- mtimes
- transpose
- uminus
- uplus
- vertcat
- elementary_functions
- abs
- allfinite
- angle
- base2dec
- bernsteinMatrix
- bin2dec
- bin2num
- blkdiag
- cast
- ceil
- circshift
- complex
- conj
- deal
- dec2base
- dec2bin
- dec2hex
- exp
- factorial
- filter
- find
- fix
- flip
- flipdim
- fliplr
- flipud
- floor
- hadamard
- hankel
- hex2dec
- hilb
- hypot
- imag
- ind2sub
- invhilb
- ipermute
- isapprox
- iscolumn
- istriu
- isequal
- isequaln
- isequalto
- isfinite
- isinf
- ismatrix
- isnan
- isrow
- isscalar
- istril
- istriu
- isvector
- length
- linspace
- log
- log10
- log1p
- log2
- logspace
- magic
- meshgrid
- minus
- mod
- ndgrid
- ndims
- nextpow2
- norm
- normest
- nthroot
- num2bin
- numel
- permute
- pinv
- pow2
- real
- rem
- repmat
- reshape
- rosser
- rot90
- round
- shiftdim
- sign
- size
- sqrt
- squeeze
- sub2ind
- substruct
- swapbytes
- toeplitz
- tril
- triu
- vander
- wilkinson
- data_analysis
- conv
- conv2
- cumprod
- cumsum
- ismissing
- issorted
- max
- min
- prod
- sort
- sum
- unique
- trigonometric_functions
- acos
- acosd
- acosh
- acot
- acotd
- acoth
- acsc
- acscd
- acsch
- asec
- asecd
- asech
- asin
- asind
- asinh
- atan
- atan2
- atan2d
- atand
- atanh
- cart2pol
- cart2sph
- cos
- cosd
- cosh
- cosm
- cospi
- cot
- cotd
- coth
- csc
- cscd
- csch
- deg2rad
- pol2cart
- rad2deg
- sec
- secd
- sech
- sin
- sind
- sinh
- sinm
- sinpi
- sph2cart
- tan
- tand
- tanh
- tanm
- linear_algebra
- balance
- bandwidth
- chol
- cond
- condeig
- det
- diff
- eig
- expm
- gradient
- inv
- isbanded
- ishermitian
- issymmetric
- kron
- logm
- lu
- orth
- planerot
- rank
- rcond
- rref
- rsf2csf
- schur
- sqrtm
- subspace
- svd
- trace
- vecnorm
- statistics
- corrcoef
- cov
- mean
- normpdf
- var
- polynomial_functions
- deconv
- poly
- polyder
- polyfit
- polyint
- polyval
- polyvalm
- roots
- signal_processing
- bartlett
- blackman
- db2mag
- db2pow
- filter2
- hamming
- hann
- mag2db
- pow2db
- sinc
- xcorr2
- zp2tf
- slicot
- SLICOT License
- slicot_ab01od
- slicot_ab04md
- slicot_ab07nd
- slicot_ab08nd
- slicot_ag08bd
- slicot_mb02md
- slicot_mb03od
- slicot_mb03pd
- slicot_mb03rd
- slicot_mb04gd
- slicot_mb04md
- slicot_mb05od
- slicot_mc01td
- slicot_sb01bd
- slicot_sb02od
- slicot_sb03md
- slicot_sb03od
- slicot_sb04md
- slicot_sb04qd
- slicot_sb10jd
- slicot_sg02ad
- slicot_tb01id
- slicot_tg01ad
- special_functions
- betainc
- cross
- dot
- factor
- gamma
- gammaln
- gcd
- interp1
- peaks
- primes
- fftw
- FFTW License
- FFTWwrapper
- fft
- fft2
- fftn
- fftshift
- fftw
- ifft
- ifftn
- ifftshift
- os_functions
- cmdsep
- computer
- createGUID
- getenv
- hostname
- ismac
- ispc
- isunix
- searchenv
- setenv
- system
- username
- winopen
- winqueryreg
- files_folders_functions
- cd
- copyfile
- diff_file
- dir
- fileparts
- filesep
- fullfile
- fullpath
- isdir
- isfile
- isfolder
- ls
- mkdir
- pathsep
- pwd
- relativepath
- rmdir
- rmfile
- tempdir
- tempname
- userdir
- memory_manager
- acquirevar
- assignin
- clear
- global
- isglobal
- isvar
- memory
- persistent
- varislock
- varlock
- varunlock
- who
- whos
- time
- addtodate
- calendar
- clock
- cputime
- date
- datenum
- datestr
- datevec
- eomday
- etime
- hour
- leapyear
- minute
- now
- second
- sleep
- tic
- time
- timeit
- toc
- weekday
- random
- rand
- randn
- randperm
- rng
- mpi
- MPI_Allreduce
- MPI_Barrier
- MPI_Bcast
- MPI_Comm_delete
- MPI_Comm_get_name
- MPI_Comm_object
- MPI_Comm_rank
- MPI_Comm_size
- MPI_Comm_split
- MPI_Comm_used
- MPI_Finalize
- MPI_Get_library_version
- MPI_Get_processor_name
- MPI_Get_version
- MPI_Init
- MPI_Initialized
- MPI_Iprobe
- MPI_Probe
- MPI_Recv
- MPI_Reduce
- MPI_Send
- MPI examples
- MPI overview
- mpiexec
- parallel
- afterAll
- afterEach
- backgroundPool
- cancel
- cancelAll
- fetchNext
- fetchOutputs
- parfeval
- wait
- help_tools
- buildhelp
- buildhelpmd
- buildhelpweb
- docroot
- headcomments
- htmltopdf
- markdown
- xmldocbuild
- xmldocchecker
- xmldoctohelp
- xmldoctohtml
- xmldoctomd
- history_manager
- history
- console
- clc
- input
- terminal_size
- gui
- commandhistory
- errordlg
- filebrowser
- helpdlg
- inserthtml
- lookandfeel
- msgbox
- qt_verbose
- questdlg
- uigetdir
- helpdlg
- workspace
- qml_engine
- QObject_classname
- QObject_findchildren
- QObject_get
- QObject_iswidgettype
- QObject_iswindowtype
- QObject_methodsignature
- QObject_root
- QObject_set
- QObject_undefine
- QObject_used
- nelsonObject
- qml_addimportpath
- qml_addpluginpath
- qml_clearcomponentcache
- qml_collectgarbage
- qml_createqquickview
- qml_demos
- qml_evaluatefile
- qml_evaluatestring
- qml_importpathlist
- qml_loadfile
- qml_loadstring
- qml_offlinestoragepath
- qml_pluginpathlist
- qml_setofflinestoragepath
- qt_constant
- qt_version
- graphics
- abyss
- ancestor
- autumn
- axes
- axis
- bar
- bone
- cla
- clf
- clim
- close
- colorbar
- colormap
- colstyle
- contour
- contour3
- cool
- copper
- copygraphics
- cylinder
- drawnow
- figure
- fill
- gca
- gcf
- Managing Callback Interruptions in Nelson
- gray
- grid
- groot
- hggroup
- hist
- hold
- hot
- im2double
- image
- imagesc
- imread
- imshow
- imwrite
- is2D
- isValidGraphicsProperty
- isgraphics
- ishold
- jet
- legend
- line
- loglog
- mesh
- meshz
- newplot
- pan
- parula
- patch
- pcolor
- pie
- pink
- plot
- plot3
- quiver
- refresh
- rgbplot
- ribbon
- rotate3d
- saveas
- scatter
- semilogx
- semilogy
- sky
- sphere
- spring
- spy
- stairs
- stem
- subplot
- summer
- surf
- surface
- text
- title
- turbo
- uicontrol
- validatecolor
- view
- viridis
- waitfor
- waitforbuttonpress
- waterfall
- white
- winter
- xlabel
- xlim
- ylabel
- ylim
- zlabel
- zlim
- zoom
- help_browser
- doc
- helpbrowser
- text_editor
- edit
- editor
- smartindent
- tests_manager
- test_makeref
- test_run
- skip_testsuite
- validators
- mustBeA
- mustBeColumn
- mustBeFile
- mustBeFinite
- mustBeFloat
- mustBeFolder
- mustBeGreaterThan
- mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual
- mustBeInRange
- mustBeInteger
- mustBeLessThan
- mustBeLessThanOrEqual
- mustBeLogical
- mustBeLogicalScalar
- mustBeMatrix
- mustBeMember
- mustBeNegative
- mustBeNonNan
- mustBeNonSparse
- mustBeNonZero
- mustBeNonempty
- mustBeNonmissing
- mustBeNonnegative
- mustBeNonpositive
- mustBeNonzeroLengthText
- mustBeNumeric
- mustBeNumericOrLogical
- mustBePositive
- mustBeReal
- mustBeRow
- mustBeScalarOrEmpty
- mustBeSparse
- mustBeText
- mustBeTextScalar
- mustBeValidVariableName
- mustBeVector
- assert_functions
- assert
- assert_checkerror
- assert_isapprox
- assert_isequal
- assert_isfalse
- assert_istrue
- stream_manager
- diary
- fclose
- feof
- ferror
- fgetl
- fgets
- fileread
- filewrite
- fopen
- fprintf
- fread
- frewind
- fscanf
- fseek
- fsize
- ftell
- fwrite
- load
- save
- sscanf
- hdf5
- h5create
- h5dump
- h5ls
- h5read
- h5readatt
- h5write
- h5writeatt
- isnh5file
- loadnh5
- savenh5
- whonh5
- whosnh5
- matio
- ismatfile
- loadmat
- savemat
- whomat
- whosmat
- json
- jsondecode
- jsonencode
- jsonprettyprint
- file_archiver
- unzip
- zip
- audio
- audiodevinfo
- audioinfo
- audiometadata
- audioplayer
- audioplayer_delete
- audioplayer_fieldnames
- audioplayer_get
- audioplayer_pause
- audioplayer_set
- audioplayer_stop
- audioplayer_used
- audioread
- audiosupportedformats
- audiowrite
- beep
- isplaying
- lin2mu
- mu2lin
- play
- playblocking
- resume
- sound
- soundsc
- stop
- sio_client
- doc
- sioemit
- siogetvariable
- ipc
- getpid
- ipc
- dynamic_link
- Build C/C++ code on the fly
- Supported C/C++ compilers
- libpointer datatype
- cmake
- configuremingw
- configuremsvc
- dlcall
- dlclose
- dlgeneratecleaner
- dlgenerategateway
- dlgenerateloader
- dlgeneratemake
- dlgenerateunloader
- dlgetnelsonincludes
- dlgetnelsonlibraries
- dllib_used
- dllibinfo
- dllibisloaded
- dlmake
- dlopen
- dlsym
- dlsym_delete
- dlsym_used
- findcmake
- getdynlibext
- havecompiler
- libpointer
- libpointer_delete
- libpointer_isNull
- libpointer_plus
- libpointer_reshape
- libpointer_setdatatype
- libpointer_used
- loadcompilerconf
- removecompilerconf
- vswhere
- mex
- dlgeneratemexgateway
- engClose
- engEvalString
- engGetVariable
- engGetVisible
- engOpen
- engOpenSingleUse
- engOutputBuffer
- engPutVariable
- engSetVisible
- mex
- mexAtExit
- mexCallMATLAB
- mexCallMATLABWithTrap
- mexext
- f2c
- f2c
- nig
- nig
- webtools
- checkupdate
- repo
- urlencode
- weboptions
- webread
- websave
- webwrite
- geometry
- rotx
- roty
- rotz
- com_engine
- COM examples
- COM_delete
- COM_fieldnames
- COM_get
- COM_invoke
- COM_ismethod
- COM_isprop
- COM_methods
- COM_range
- COM_set
- COM_used
- COM_xlsfinfo
- COM_xlsread
- COM_xlswrite
- actxGetRunningServer
- actxcontrollist
- actxserver
- actxserverlist
- iscom
- control_system
- abcdchk
- acker
- append
- augstate
- balreal
- bdschur
- bode
- c2d
- care
- cloop
- compreal
- ctrb
- ctrbf
- d2c
- damp
- dare
- dcgain
- dlqr
- dlyap
- dsort
- esort
- evalfr
- feedback
- freqresp
- gensig
- gram
- hsvd
- impulse
- initial
- isct
- isdt
- islti
- issiso
- isstatic
- kalman
- lqe
- lqed
- lqr
- lqry
- lsim
- lyap
- minreal
- nyquist
- obsv
- obsvf
- ord2
- padecoef
- parallel
- pole
- series
- ss
- ss2tf
- ssdata
- ssdelete
- ssselect
- step
- tf
- tf2ss
- tfdata
- tzero
- zero
- python_engine
- The power of calling Python from Nelson
- How to install python package
- Python Nelson types
- Python operators
- pyargs
- pyenv
- pyrun
- pyrunfile
- spreadsheet
- csvread
- csvwrite
- detectImportOptions
- dlmread
- dlmwrite
- readcell
- readmatrix
- readtable
- writecell
- writematrix
- writetable
- julia_engine
- jlenv
- jlrun
- jlrunfile
- Julia Nelson types
- Changelogs
- Changelog v1.x.x
- Changelog v0.7.x
- Changelog v0.6.x
- Changelog v0.5.x
- Changelog v0.4.x
- Changelog v0.3.x
- Changelog v0.2.x
- Changelog v0.1.x
- License
- License
- LGPL v3.0
- GPL v3.0