1. Overview
  2. functions_manager
    1. addpath
    2. builtin
    3. clearfun
    4. feval
    5. inmem
    6. isbuiltin
    7. ismacro
    8. ismex
    9. macroargs
    10. path
    11. private functions
    12. rehash
    13. restoredefaultpath
    14. rmpath
    15. userpath
    16. what
    17. which
  3. modules_manager
    1. addgateway
    2. addmodule
    3. gatewayinfo
    4. getmodules
    5. ismodule
    6. module.json
    7. modulepath
    8. nmm
    9. nmm_build_help
    10. nmm_build_loader
    11. removegateway
    12. removemodule
    13. requiremodule
    14. semver
    15. toolboxdir
    16. usermodulesdir
  4. core
    1. banner
    2. eval
    3. evalc
    4. evalin
    5. execstr
    6. exist
    7. exit
    8. feature
    9. inputname
    10. isunicodesupported
    11. license
    12. maxNumCompThreads
    13. namelengthmax
    14. nargin
    15. narginchk
    16. nargout
    17. nargoutchk
    18. nelsonroot
    19. nfilename
    20. pause
    21. prefdir
    22. quit
    23. run
    24. sha256
    25. version
  5. engine
    1. argv
    2. executable
    3. finish
    4. getnelsonmode
    5. isquietmode
    6. #! shebang
    7. startup
  6. interpreter
    1. abort
    2. break
    3. continue
    4. for
    5. function
    6. if
    7. iskeyword
    8. keyboard
    9. max_recursion_depth
    10. numeric types
    11. parsefile
    12. parsestring
    13. switch
    14. try
    15. while
  7. display_format
    1. disp
    2. display
    3. echo
    4. format
    5. formattedDisplayText
  8. localization
    1. getavailablelanguages
    2. getdefaultlanguage
    3. getlanguage
    4. setlanguage
  9. i18n
    1. gettext
    2. i18nHelpers
    3. poheader
  10. characters_encoding
    1. native2unicode
    2. nativecharset
    3. unicode2native
  11. types
    1. class
    2. isa
    3. iscell
    4. ischar
    5. isclass
    6. isdouble
    7. isempty
    8. isfloat
    9. ishandle
    10. isint16
    11. isint32
    12. isint64
    13. isint8
    14. isinteger
    15. islogical
    16. isnumeric
    17. isobject
    18. isreal
    19. issingle
    20. issparse
    21. isstring
    22. isstruct
    23. isuint16
    24. isuint32
    25. isuint64
    26. isuint8
    27. isvarname
  12. overload
    1. overloading
  13. logical
    1. false
    2. logical
    3. true
    4. xor
  14. single
    1. single
  15. double
    1. double
    2. flintmax
    3. realmax
    4. realmin
  16. data_structures
    1. cell
    2. cell2mat
    3. cell2struct
    4. celldisp
    5. cellfun
    6. cellstr
    7. fieldnames
    8. getfield
    9. iscellstr
    10. isfield
    11. namedargs2cell
    12. num2cell
    13. orderfields
    14. rmfield
    15. setfield
    16. struct
    17. struct2cell
  17. dictionary
    1. configureDictionary
    2. dictionary
    3. entries
    4. insert
    5. isConfigured
    6. isKey
    7. keyHash
    8. keyMatch
    9. keys
    10. lookup
    11. numEntries
    12. remove
    13. types
    14. values
  18. table
    1. Accessing and Manipulating Tables in Nelson
    2. Direct computation with Table
    3. Read/Write table to files
    4. array2table
    5. cell2table
    6. head
    7. height
    8. istable
    9. removevars
    10. renamevars
    11. struct2table
    12. table
    13. table2array
    14. table2cell
    15. table2struct
    16. tail
    17. width
  19. integer
    1. int16
    2. int32
    3. int64
    4. int8
    5. intmax
    6. intmin
    7. uint16
    8. uint32
    9. uint64
    10. uint8
  20. sparse
    1. IJV
    2. full
    3. nnz
    4. nzmax
    5. sparse
    6. speye
    7. spones
  21. string
    1. append
    2. blanks
    3. char
    4. contains
    5. convertCharsToStrings
    6. convertStringsToChars
    7. count
    8. deblank
    9. endsWith
    10. int2str
    11. isStringScalar
    12. isletter
    13. isspace
    14. join
    15. mat2str
    16. matches
    17. newline
    18. num2str
    19. replace
    20. sprintf
    21. startsWith
    22. str2double
    23. strcat
    24. strcmp
    25. strcmpi
    26. strfind
    27. string
    28. strings
    29. strjust
    30. strlength
    31. strncmp
    32. strncmpi
    33. strrep
    34. strtrim
    35. tolower
    36. toupper
  22. function_handle
    1. Anonymous Functions
    2. func2str
    3. isfunction_handle
    4. str2func
  23. handle
    1. delete
    2. get
    3. invoke
    4. ismethod
    5. isprop
    6. isvalid
    7. methods
    8. properties
    9. set
  24. error_manager
    1. MException
    2. error
    3. getLastReport
    4. lasterror
    5. lastwarn
    6. rethrow
    7. throw
    8. throwAsCaller
    9. warning
  25. debugger
    1. dbstack
  26. profiler
    1. profile
    2. profsave
  27. constructors_functions
    1. Inf
    2. NaN
    3. diag
    4. eps
    5. eye
    6. i
    7. ones
    8. pi
    9. zeros
  28. operators
    1. all
    2. and
    3. any
    4. bitand
    5. bitor
    6. bitxor
    7. cat
    8. colon
    9. ctranspose
    10. eq
    11. ge
    12. gt
    13. horzcat
    14. ismember
    15. ldivide
    16. le
    17. lt
    18. minus
    19. mldivide
    20. mpower
    21. mrdivide
    22. mtimes
    23. ne
    24. not
    25. or
    26. plus
    27. power
    28. rdivide
    29. shortcutand
    30. shortcutor
    31. subsasgn
    32. subsindex
    33. subsref
    34. mtimes
    35. transpose
    36. uminus
    37. uplus
    38. vertcat
  29. elementary_functions
    1. abs
    2. allfinite
    3. angle
    4. base2dec
    5. bernsteinMatrix
    6. bin2dec
    7. bin2num
    8. blkdiag
    9. cast
    10. ceil
    11. circshift
    12. complex
    13. conj
    14. deal
    15. dec2base
    16. dec2bin
    17. dec2hex
    18. exp
    19. factorial
    20. filter
    21. find
    22. fix
    23. flip
    24. flipdim
    25. fliplr
    26. flipud
    27. floor
    28. hadamard
    29. hankel
    30. hex2dec
    31. hilb
    32. hypot
    33. imag
    34. ind2sub
    35. invhilb
    36. ipermute
    37. isapprox
    38. iscolumn
    39. istriu
    40. isequal
    41. isequaln
    42. isequalto
    43. isfinite
    44. isinf
    45. ismatrix
    46. isnan
    47. isrow
    48. isscalar
    49. istril
    50. istriu
    51. isvector
    52. length
    53. linspace
    54. log
    55. log10
    56. log1p
    57. log2
    58. logspace
    59. magic
    60. meshgrid
    61. minus
    62. mod
    63. ndgrid
    64. ndims
    65. nextpow2
    66. norm
    67. normest
    68. nthroot
    69. num2bin
    70. numel
    71. permute
    72. pinv
    73. pow2
    74. real
    75. rem
    76. repmat
    77. reshape
    78. rosser
    79. rot90
    80. round
    81. shiftdim
    82. sign
    83. size
    84. sqrt
    85. squeeze
    86. sub2ind
    87. substruct
    88. swapbytes
    89. toeplitz
    90. tril
    91. triu
    92. vander
    93. wilkinson
  30. data_analysis
    1. conv
    2. conv2
    3. cumprod
    4. cumsum
    5. ismissing
    6. issorted
    7. max
    8. min
    9. prod
    10. sort
    11. sum
    12. unique
  31. trigonometric_functions
    1. acos
    2. acosd
    3. acosh
    4. acot
    5. acotd
    6. acoth
    7. acsc
    8. acscd
    9. acsch
    10. asec
    11. asecd
    12. asech
    13. asin
    14. asind
    15. asinh
    16. atan
    17. atan2
    18. atan2d
    19. atand
    20. atanh
    21. cart2pol
    22. cart2sph
    23. cos
    24. cosd
    25. cosh
    26. cosm
    27. cospi
    28. cot
    29. cotd
    30. coth
    31. csc
    32. cscd
    33. csch
    34. deg2rad
    35. pol2cart
    36. rad2deg
    37. sec
    38. secd
    39. sech
    40. sin
    41. sind
    42. sinh
    43. sinm
    44. sinpi
    45. sph2cart
    46. tan
    47. tand
    48. tanh
    49. tanm
  32. linear_algebra
    1. balance
    2. bandwidth
    3. chol
    4. cond
    5. condeig
    6. det
    7. diff
    8. eig
    9. expm
    10. gradient
    11. inv
    12. isbanded
    13. ishermitian
    14. issymmetric
    15. kron
    16. logm
    17. lu
    18. orth
    19. planerot
    20. rank
    21. rcond
    22. rref
    23. rsf2csf
    24. schur
    25. sqrtm
    26. subspace
    27. svd
    28. trace
    29. vecnorm
  33. statistics
    1. corrcoef
    2. cov
    3. mean
    4. normpdf
    5. var
  34. polynomial_functions
    1. deconv
    2. poly
    3. polyder
    4. polyfit
    5. polyint
    6. polyval
    7. polyvalm
    8. roots
  35. signal_processing
    1. bartlett
    2. blackman
    3. db2mag
    4. db2pow
    5. filter2
    6. hamming
    7. hann
    8. mag2db
    9. pow2db
    10. sinc
    11. xcorr2
    12. zp2tf
  36. slicot
    1. SLICOT License
    2. slicot_ab01od
    3. slicot_ab04md
    4. slicot_ab07nd
    5. slicot_ab08nd
    6. slicot_ag08bd
    7. slicot_mb02md
    8. slicot_mb03od
    9. slicot_mb03pd
    10. slicot_mb03rd
    11. slicot_mb04gd
    12. slicot_mb04md
    13. slicot_mb05od
    14. slicot_mc01td
    15. slicot_sb01bd
    16. slicot_sb02od
    17. slicot_sb03md
    18. slicot_sb03od
    19. slicot_sb04md
    20. slicot_sb04qd
    21. slicot_sb10jd
    22. slicot_sg02ad
    23. slicot_tb01id
    24. slicot_tg01ad
  37. special_functions
    1. betainc
    2. cross
    3. dot
    4. factor
    5. gamma
    6. gammaln
    7. gcd
    8. interp1
    9. peaks
    10. primes
  38. fftw
    1. FFTW License
    2. FFTWwrapper
    3. fft
    4. fft2
    5. fftn
    6. fftshift
    7. fftw
    8. ifft
    9. ifftn
    10. ifftshift
  39. os_functions
    1. cmdsep
    2. computer
    3. createGUID
    4. getenv
    5. hostname
    6. ismac
    7. ispc
    8. isunix
    9. searchenv
    10. setenv
    11. system
    12. username
    13. winopen
    14. winqueryreg
  40. files_folders_functions
    1. cd
    2. copyfile
    3. diff_file
    4. dir
    5. fileparts
    6. filesep
    7. fullfile
    8. fullpath
    9. isdir
    10. isfile
    11. isfolder
    12. ls
    13. mkdir
    14. pathsep
    15. pwd
    16. relativepath
    17. rmdir
    18. rmfile
    19. tempdir
    20. tempname
    21. userdir
  41. memory_manager
    1. acquirevar
    2. assignin
    3. clear
    4. global
    5. isglobal
    6. isvar
    7. memory
    8. persistent
    9. varislock
    10. varlock
    11. varunlock
    12. who
    13. whos
  42. time
    1. addtodate
    2. calendar
    3. clock
    4. cputime
    5. date
    6. datenum
    7. datestr
    8. datevec
    9. eomday
    10. etime
    11. hour
    12. leapyear
    13. minute
    14. now
    15. second
    16. sleep
    17. tic
    18. time
    19. timeit
    20. toc
    21. weekday
  43. random
    1. rand
    2. randn
    3. randperm
    4. rng
  44. mpi
    1. MPI_Allreduce
    2. MPI_Barrier
    3. MPI_Bcast
    4. MPI_Comm_delete
    5. MPI_Comm_get_name
    6. MPI_Comm_object
    7. MPI_Comm_rank
    8. MPI_Comm_size
    9. MPI_Comm_split
    10. MPI_Comm_used
    11. MPI_Finalize
    12. MPI_Get_library_version
    13. MPI_Get_processor_name
    14. MPI_Get_version
    15. MPI_Init
    16. MPI_Initialized
    17. MPI_Iprobe
    18. MPI_Probe
    19. MPI_Recv
    20. MPI_Reduce
    21. MPI_Send
    22. MPI examples
    23. MPI overview
    24. mpiexec
  45. parallel
    1. afterAll
    2. afterEach
    3. backgroundPool
    4. cancel
    5. cancelAll
    6. fetchNext
    7. fetchOutputs
    8. parfeval
    9. wait
  46. help_tools
    1. buildhelp
    2. buildhelpmd
    3. buildhelpweb
    4. docroot
    5. headcomments
    6. htmltopdf
    7. markdown
    8. xmldocbuild
    9. xmldocchecker
    10. xmldoctohelp
    11. xmldoctohtml
    12. xmldoctomd
  47. history_manager
    1. history
  48. console
    1. clc
    2. input
    3. terminal_size
  49. gui
    1. commandhistory
    2. errordlg
    3. filebrowser
    4. helpdlg
    5. inserthtml
    6. lookandfeel
    7. msgbox
    8. qt_verbose
    9. questdlg
    10. uigetdir
    11. helpdlg
    12. workspace
  50. qml_engine
    1. QObject_classname
    2. QObject_findchildren
    3. QObject_get
    4. QObject_iswidgettype
    5. QObject_iswindowtype
    6. QObject_methodsignature
    7. QObject_root
    8. QObject_set
    9. QObject_undefine
    10. QObject_used
    11. nelsonObject
    12. qml_addimportpath
    13. qml_addpluginpath
    14. qml_clearcomponentcache
    15. qml_collectgarbage
    16. qml_createqquickview
    17. qml_demos
    18. qml_evaluatefile
    19. qml_evaluatestring
    20. qml_importpathlist
    21. qml_loadfile
    22. qml_loadstring
    23. qml_offlinestoragepath
    24. qml_pluginpathlist
    25. qml_setofflinestoragepath
    26. qt_constant
    27. qt_version
  51. graphics
    1. abyss
    2. ancestor
    3. autumn
    4. axes
    5. axis
    6. bar
    7. bone
    8. cla
    9. clf
    10. clim
    11. close
    12. colorbar
    13. colormap
    14. colstyle
    15. contour
    16. contour3
    17. cool
    18. copper
    19. copygraphics
    20. cylinder
    21. drawnow
    22. figure
    23. fill
    24. gca
    25. gcf
    26. Managing Callback Interruptions in Nelson
    27. gray
    28. grid
    29. groot
    30. hggroup
    31. hist
    32. hold
    33. hot
    34. im2double
    35. image
    36. imagesc
    37. imread
    38. imshow
    39. imwrite
    40. is2D
    41. isValidGraphicsProperty
    42. isgraphics
    43. ishold
    44. jet
    45. legend
    46. line
    47. loglog
    48. mesh
    49. meshz
    50. newplot
    51. pan
    52. parula
    53. patch
    54. pcolor
    55. pie
    56. pink
    57. plot
    58. plot3
    59. quiver
    60. refresh
    61. rgbplot
    62. ribbon
    63. rotate3d
    64. saveas
    65. scatter
    66. semilogx
    67. semilogy
    68. sky
    69. sphere
    70. spring
    71. spy
    72. stairs
    73. stem
    74. subplot
    75. summer
    76. surf
    77. surface
    78. text
    79. title
    80. turbo
    81. uicontrol
    82. validatecolor
    83. view
    84. viridis
    85. waitfor
    86. waitforbuttonpress
    87. waterfall
    88. white
    89. winter
    90. xlabel
    91. xlim
    92. ylabel
    93. ylim
    94. zlabel
    95. zlim
    96. zoom
  52. help_browser
    1. doc
    2. helpbrowser
  53. text_editor
    1. edit
    2. editor
    3. smartindent
  54. tests_manager
    1. test_makeref
    2. test_run
    3. skip_testsuite
  55. validators
    1. mustBeA
    2. mustBeColumn
    3. mustBeFile
    4. mustBeFinite
    5. mustBeFloat
    6. mustBeFolder
    7. mustBeGreaterThan
    8. mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual
    9. mustBeInRange
    10. mustBeInteger
    11. mustBeLessThan
    12. mustBeLessThanOrEqual
    13. mustBeLogical
    14. mustBeLogicalScalar
    15. mustBeMatrix
    16. mustBeMember
    17. mustBeNegative
    18. mustBeNonNan
    19. mustBeNonSparse
    20. mustBeNonZero
    21. mustBeNonempty
    22. mustBeNonmissing
    23. mustBeNonnegative
    24. mustBeNonpositive
    25. mustBeNonzeroLengthText
    26. mustBeNumeric
    27. mustBeNumericOrLogical
    28. mustBePositive
    29. mustBeReal
    30. mustBeRow
    31. mustBeScalarOrEmpty
    32. mustBeSparse
    33. mustBeText
    34. mustBeTextScalar
    35. mustBeValidVariableName
    36. mustBeVector
  56. assert_functions
    1. assert
    2. assert_checkerror
    3. assert_isapprox
    4. assert_isequal
    5. assert_isfalse
    6. assert_istrue
  57. stream_manager
    1. diary
    2. fclose
    3. feof
    4. ferror
    5. fgetl
    6. fgets
    7. fileread
    8. filewrite
    9. fopen
    10. fprintf
    11. fread
    12. frewind
    13. fscanf
    14. fseek
    15. fsize
    16. ftell
    17. fwrite
    18. load
    19. save
    20. sscanf
  58. hdf5
    1. h5create
    2. h5dump
    3. h5ls
    4. h5read
    5. h5readatt
    6. h5write
    7. h5writeatt
    8. isnh5file
    9. loadnh5
    10. savenh5
    11. whonh5
    12. whosnh5
  59. matio
    1. ismatfile
    2. loadmat
    3. savemat
    4. whomat
    5. whosmat
  60. json
    1. jsondecode
    2. jsonencode
    3. jsonprettyprint
  61. file_archiver
    1. unzip
    2. zip
  62. audio
    1. audiodevinfo
    2. audioinfo
    3. audiometadata
    4. audioplayer
    5. audioplayer_delete
    6. audioplayer_fieldnames
    7. audioplayer_get
    8. audioplayer_pause
    9. audioplayer_set
    10. audioplayer_stop
    11. audioplayer_used
    12. audioread
    13. audiosupportedformats
    14. audiowrite
    15. beep
    16. isplaying
    17. lin2mu
    18. mu2lin
    19. play
    20. playblocking
    21. resume
    22. sound
    23. soundsc
    24. stop
  63. sio_client
    1. doc
    2. sioemit
    3. siogetvariable
  64. ipc
    1. getpid
    2. ipc
  65. dynamic_link
    1. Build C/C++ code on the fly
    2. Supported C/C++ compilers
    3. libpointer datatype
    4. cmake
    5. configuremingw
    6. configuremsvc
    7. dlcall
    8. dlclose
    9. dlgeneratecleaner
    10. dlgenerategateway
    11. dlgenerateloader
    12. dlgeneratemake
    13. dlgenerateunloader
    14. dlgetnelsonincludes
    15. dlgetnelsonlibraries
    16. dllib_used
    17. dllibinfo
    18. dllibisloaded
    19. dlmake
    20. dlopen
    21. dlsym
    22. dlsym_delete
    23. dlsym_used
    24. findcmake
    25. getdynlibext
    26. havecompiler
    27. libpointer
    28. libpointer_delete
    29. libpointer_isNull
    30. libpointer_plus
    31. libpointer_reshape
    32. libpointer_setdatatype
    33. libpointer_used
    34. loadcompilerconf
    35. removecompilerconf
    36. vswhere
  66. mex
    1. dlgeneratemexgateway
    2. engClose
    3. engEvalString
    4. engGetVariable
    5. engGetVisible
    6. engOpen
    7. engOpenSingleUse
    8. engOutputBuffer
    9. engPutVariable
    10. engSetVisible
    11. mex
    12. mexAtExit
    13. mexCallMATLAB
    14. mexCallMATLABWithTrap
    15. mexext
  67. f2c
    1. f2c
  68. nig
    1. nig
  69. webtools
    1. checkupdate
    2. repo
    3. urlencode
    4. weboptions
    5. webread
    6. websave
    7. webwrite
  70. geometry
    1. rotx
    2. roty
    3. rotz
  71. com_engine
    1. COM examples
    2. COM_delete
    3. COM_fieldnames
    4. COM_get
    5. COM_invoke
    6. COM_ismethod
    7. COM_isprop
    8. COM_methods
    9. COM_range
    10. COM_set
    11. COM_used
    12. COM_xlsfinfo
    13. COM_xlsread
    14. COM_xlswrite
    15. actxGetRunningServer
    16. actxcontrollist
    17. actxserver
    18. actxserverlist
    19. iscom
  72. control_system
    1. abcdchk
    2. acker
    3. append
    4. augstate
    5. balreal
    6. bdschur
    7. bode
    8. c2d
    9. care
    10. cloop
    11. compreal
    12. ctrb
    13. ctrbf
    14. d2c
    15. damp
    16. dare
    17. dcgain
    18. dlqr
    19. dlyap
    20. dsort
    21. esort
    22. evalfr
    23. feedback
    24. freqresp
    25. gensig
    26. gram
    27. hsvd
    28. impulse
    29. initial
    30. isct
    31. isdt
    32. islti
    33. issiso
    34. isstatic
    35. kalman
    36. lqe
    37. lqed
    38. lqr
    39. lqry
    40. lsim
    41. lyap
    42. minreal
    43. nyquist
    44. obsv
    45. obsvf
    46. ord2
    47. padecoef
    48. parallel
    49. pole
    50. series
    51. ss
    52. ss2tf
    53. ssdata
    54. ssdelete
    55. ssselect
    56. step
    57. tf
    58. tf2ss
    59. tfdata
    60. tzero
    61. zero
  73. python_engine
    1. The power of calling Python from Nelson
    2. How to install python package
    3. Python Nelson types
    4. Python operators
    5. pyargs
    6. pyenv
    7. pyrun
    8. pyrunfile
  74. spreadsheet
    1. csvread
    2. csvwrite
    3. detectImportOptions
    4. dlmread
    5. dlmwrite
    6. readcell
    7. readmatrix
    8. readtable
    9. writecell
    10. writematrix
    11. writetable
  75. julia_engine
    1. jlenv
    2. jlrun
    3. jlrunfile
    4. Julia Nelson types
  76. Changelogs
    1. Changelog v1.x.x
    2. Changelog v0.7.x
    3. Changelog v0.6.x
    4. Changelog v0.5.x
    5. Changelog v0.4.x
    6. Changelog v0.3.x
    7. Changelog v0.2.x
    8. Changelog v0.1.x
  77. License
    1. License
    2. LGPL v3.0
    3. GPL v3.0