

Nelson is a powerful, open-source numerical computational language, developed to provide a comprehensive and intuitive environment for engineers, scientists, and students. With over 1,200 built-in functions, Nelson supports a wide range of tasks, from basic algebra to advanced numerical simulations.

Originally inspired by languages like MATLAB© and GNU Octave, Nelson offers users a lightweight yet feature-rich experience. It is designed to be easy to learn and use, with an emphasis on performance and flexibility.

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Data Types Managed by Nelson

  • Double and Complex Double: Supports scalars, vectors, 2D matrices, N-dimensional arrays, and sparse matrices.
  • Single and Complex Single: Includes scalars, vectors, 2D matrices, N-dimensional arrays, and sparse matrices.
  • Logical: Handles scalars, vectors, 2D matrices, N-dimensional arrays, and sparse matrices.
  • Character Arrays: Supports UNICODE characters.
  • String Arrays: Fully supports UNICODE.
  • Integers: 8, 16, 32, and 64-bit signed and unsigned scalars, vectors, 2D matrices, and N-dimensional arrays.
  • Handle Objects: For object-oriented functionality.
  • Anonymous Functions: Allows creation and manipulation of functions without names.
  • Data Structures: Supports dictionaries and tables.
  • Overloading: All types can be overloaded for custom behavior.

Performance Enhancements

  • OpenMP and SIMD: Utilizes parallel processing and vectorization for faster computations.

Visualization & Interface

  • 2D and 3D Plotting: High-level commands for visualizations.
  • User Interface Controls: Built-in controls for creating custom interfaces.
  • Desktop Environment: Comes with history tracking, a file explorer, and workspace browser.

Advanced Modules

  • Parallel Computing: Enables efficient use of multi-core processors.
  • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): High-performance FFT functions based on FFTW and MKL.
  • SLICOT Interface: Optional support for the Systems and Control Theory subroutine library.
  • Control System Module: Tools for control theory and system design.
  • MPI (Message Passing Interface): Functions for distributed parallel computing.

Data Formats & Interfacing

  • JSON Support: Read and write JSON files.
  • HDF5 Functions: High-level I/O functions, with HDF5 as the default file format for .nh5 workspaces.
  • MAT-File Compatibility: Load and save workspaces in MAT-file format.
  • Foreign Function Interface (FFI): Build and load C/Fortran code on the fly.
  • MEX C API Compatibility: Interfacing with MEX-compatible C APIs.
  • Nelson Engine API: Use Nelson as a backend engine within C code, compatible with the MEX Engine API.
  • Python Interfacing: Call Python scripts and functions from Nelson.
  • RESTful API: Enables Nelson to interact with web services.

Additional Capabilities

  • Inter-Process Communication: Communicate between Nelson processes.
  • QML Engine: Use Qt’s QML framework to display and manipulate graphical content.
  • Component Object Model (COM): Interface with COM components, especially on Windows.
  • Excel File Support: Write and read .xlsx files using COM on Windows.
  • Embedded Code Editor: Integrated editor for Nelson scripts.

Help & Testing Tools

  • Help Engine: Generate and view help files in various formats like HTML, Markdown, PDF, or GitBook.
  • Test Engine: Validate algorithms using built-in functions, with support for xUnit report export.

Profiling & Code Coverage

  • Profiler: Built-in profiler to analyze and optimize code performance.
  • Code Coverage: Measure the coverage of your tests to ensure thorough validation.

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