Tables of arrays with named columns, each potentially containing different data types.
- Accessing and Manipulating Tables in Nelson
- Direct computation with Table
- Read/Write table to files
- array2table - Convert homogeneous array to table.
- cell2table - Convert cell array to table.
- head - Get top rows of table or array.
- height - Number of table rows
- istable - Determine if input is table.
- removevars - Delete variables from table.
- renamevars - Rename variables in table.
- struct2table - Convert a structure array into a tabular format.
- table - A table-like array with named variables, capable of holding different data types
- table2array - Convert table to homogeneous array.
- table2cell - Convert table to cell array
- table2struct - Convert table to structure array
- tail - Get bottom rows of table or array.
- width - Number of table variables