Stream manager
Stream manager
stream functions
- diary - Diary of a session.
- fclose - Close an opened file.
- feof - Checks end of file.
- ferror - Test for i/o read/write errors.
- fgetl - Read string from a file without newline.
- fgets - Read string from a file, stopping after a newline, or EOF, or n characters have been read.
- fileread - Read contents of file as text.
- filewrite - Write text to a file.
- fopen - Open a file in Nelson.
- fprintf - Writes data to a file.
- fread - Read data in binary form to the file specified by the file descriptor fid.
- frewind - Set position of stream to the beginning.
- fscanf - Reads data from a file.
- fseek - Set the file pointer to a location.
- fsize - Returns size of an opened file.
- ftell - Returns the offset of the current byte relative to the beginning of a file.
- fwrite - Write data in binary form to the file specified by the file descriptor fid.
- load - load data from .nh5 or .mat file into Nelson's workspace.
- save - save workspace variables to .nh5 or .mat file
- sscanf - Read formatted data from strings.