Build MEX function
- mex(filenames)
- mex(filenames, option1, ..., optionN)
- mex(api, filenames)
- mex(api, filenames, option1, ..., optionN)
- mex('-output', mexName, filenames)
- mex(api, '-output', mexName, filenames)
- mex(api, '-output', mexName, filenames, option1, ..., optionN)
- mex('-client, 'engine', filenames)
- mex('-client', 'engine', 'filenames', api, option1, ..., optionN)
Input argument
- '-client', 'engine' - enable to build C/C++ source files into standalone engine application.
- api - a string: '-R2017b' (separated complex representation) or '-R2018a' (interleaved complex representation).
- filenames - a string or cell of characters: list of files to use. First filename used as mex name.
- mexName - a string: override naming convention.
- option1, ..., optionN - string: compilation or link option.
To use mex, C/C++ compiler must be available and configured. See Supported C/C++ compilers section for more information.
Nelson includes an interface to allow legacy mex-files to be compiled and linked with Nelson.
A mex file is a type of computer file that provides an interface between Octave or the reference commercial software and functions written in C, C++.
Nelson have also his own C++ API to manage more easily internal nelson's objects.
MX_IS_NELSON macro is defined to easily detect if Nelson is used in C code.
MX_HAS_INTERLEAVED_COMPLEX macro is defined if C MEX API used is '-R2018a'.
Supported options: compilation or link.
-D The -D option defines C preprocessor macro.
-U The -U option undefines C preprocessor macro
-I Adds pathname to the list of folders to search for #include files.
-l Links with dynamic object library .lib, .so or .dylib.
-g Used for debugging (Debug configuration).
edit([modulepath('mex', 'tests'), '/test_engine.m'])
See also
Supported C/C++ compilers, dlgenerategateway.
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | initial version |