Graphics functions
Graphics functions
graphics functions
- abyss - Abyss colormap array.
- ancestor - Ancestor of graphics object.
- autumn - Autumn colormap array.
- axes - Create cartesian axes.
- axis - Set axis limits and aspect ratios.
- bar - Bar graph.
- bone - Bone colormap array.
- cla - Clear axes.
- clf - Clear figure.
- clim - Set colormap limits.
- close - Close one or more figures
- colorbar - Colorbar showing color scale.
- colormap - View and set current colormap.
- colstyle - Parse color and style from string.
- contour - Contour plot of matrix
- contour3 - Contour 3D plot of matrix
- cool - Cool colormap array.
- copper - Copper colormap array.
- copygraphics - Copy plot to clipboard.
- cylinder - Create cylinder.
- drawnow - Update figures and process callbacks
- figure - Creates an figure window.
- fill - Create filled 2-D patches.
- gca - get current axes graphics object.
- gcf - get current figure graphics object.
- Managing Callback Interruptions in Nelson
- gray - Gray colormap array.
- grid - Display or hide axes grid lines.
- groot - graphic root object.
- hggroup - Create group object.
- hist - Histogram plot.
- hold - Retain current plot when adding new plots.
- hot - Hot colormap array.
- im2double - Convert image to double precision.
- image - Display image from array.
- imagesc - Display image from array with scaled colors.
- imread - Read image from graphics file.
- imshow - Display image.
- imwrite - Write image to graphics file.
- is2D - Checks if ax is a 2-D Polar or Cartesian axes.
- isValidGraphicsProperty - Check property name is valid.
- isgraphics - Check for graphics object.
- ishold - Get current hold state.
- jet - Jet colormap array.
- legend - Add legend to axes.
- line - Create primitive line.
- loglog - Log-log scale plot.
- mesh - Mesh surface plot.
- meshz - Mesh surface plot with curtain.
- newplot - Prepare to produce a new plot.
- pan - Enable pan mode.
- parula - Parula colormap array.
- patch - Create patches of colored polygons
- pcolor - Pseudocolor plot.
- pie - Legacy pie chart.
- pink - Pink colormap array.
- plot - Linear 2-D plot.
- plot3 - 3-D line plot.
- quiver - Vector plot.
- refresh - Redraw current figure.
- rgbplot - Plot colormap.
- ribbon - Ribbon plot.
- rotate3d - Enable rotate mode.
- saveas - Save figure to specific file format.
- scatter - Scatter plot.
- semilogx - Semilog plot (x-axis has log scale).
- semilogy - Semilog plot (y-axis has log scale).
- sky - Sky colormap array.
- sphere - Create sphere.
- spring - Spring colormap array.
- spy - Visualize sparsity pattern of matrix.
- stairs - Stairstep graph.
- stem - Plot discrete sequence data.
- subplot - Create axes in tiled positions.
- summer - Summer colormap array.
- surf - surface plot.
- surface - Primitive surface plot.
- text - creates text descriptions to data points.
- title - Add title.
- turbo - Turbo colormap array.
- uicontrol - Create user interface component.
- validatecolor - Validate color values.
- view - Camera line of sigh.
- viridis - Viridis colormap array.
- waitfor - Wait for condition.
- waitforbuttonpress - Wait for click or key press.
- waterfall - waterfall plot.
- white - white colormap array.
- winter - Winter colormap array.
- xlabel - Label x-axis.
- xlim - set or get x-axis limits.
- ylabel - Label y-axis.
- ylim - set or get y-axis limits.
- zlabel - Label z-axis.
- zlim - set or get z-axis limits.
- zoom - Enable zoom mode.