Functions manager
Functions manager
functions manager
- addpath - Add directories to functions search path.
- builtin - Executes built-in function.
- clearfun - Clear an built-in function.
- feval - Evaluates function.
- inmem - Names of functions, MEX-files.
- isbuiltin - Check for the existence of a builtin.
- ismacro - Check for the existence of a macro (function).
- ismex - Check for the existence of a mex function.
- macroargs - Returns variables names of a function.
- path - Modify or display Nelson’s load path.
- private functions - Private functions.
- rehash - Reinitialize Nelson’s search path directory cache.
- restoredefaultpath - Restore Nelson’s path to its initial state at startup.
- rmpath - Remove directory from search path.
- userpath - Displays or modify default user functions directory.
- what - Get Nelson builtin and macro list.
- which - Locates functions and built-in.