
Reorganize the fields of a structured array.


  • S = orderfields(S1)
  • S = orderfields(S1, S2)
  • S = orderfields(S1, C)
  • S = orderfields(S1, P)
  • [S, Pout] = orderfields(...)

Input argument

  • S1 - structure array: Input structure.
  • S2 - structure array: Field order by structure.
  • C - cell array of character vectors or string array: Field order by name
  • P - numeric vector: Field order by number.

Output argument

  • S - structure array: Reordered structure.
  • Pout - numeric vector: Output field order.


S = orderfields(S1) sorts the fields in S1 alphabetically by their names, considering uppercase letters before lowercase ones, and digits and underscores are also accounted for.

S = orderfields(S1,S2) returns a copy of S1 with its fields rearranged to match the order of fields in S2.Both S1 and S2 must share the same field names.

S = orderfields(S1, C) matches the order specified in the input array C. Each field name from S1 must appear once in C.

S = orderfields(S1, P) reorders fields based on the permutation vector P. P contains integers from 1 to n, where n is the number of fields in S1. This syntax is useful for maintaining consistent ordering across multiple structure arrays.

[S, Pout] = orderfields(...) also returns a permutation vector Pout, indicating the changes in field order. Pout consists of integers from 1 to n, reflecting the rearranged field positions. This syntax is compatible with any of the previously mentioned arguments.

orderfields function exclusively arranges the top-level fields and doesn't operate recursively.


s = struct ("d", 4, "b", 2, "a", 1, "c", 3);
tA = orderfields (s)
t = struct ("d", {}, "c", {}, "b", {}, "a", {});
tB = orderfields (s, tA)

See also

struct, fieldnames, isfield.


1.5.0initial version
