0.2.12 (2018-12-31)
HDF5 high-level functions:
- h5dump: Dump the content of hdf5 file as text.
- h5ls: List the content of an hdf5.
- h5writeatt: Writes HDF5 attribute.
- h5readatt: Read HDF5 attribute.
- h5write: Writes HDF5 data set.
- h5readatt: Read HDF5 data set.
- h5create: Creates a data set.
Bug Fixes:
- BOOST 1.68 on Windows
- Eigen 3.3.7
0.2.11 (2018-11-24)
Nelson in the cloud:
- easy way to deploy (npm package and docker)
- add 'sioemit' builtin. Send data from Nelson to client.
- add 'siogetvariable' function. Send variable value to cliend.
- add nelson_sio_client executable used by Nelson in the cloud framework.
addition, substration, mtimes, times, power with integers reworked.
integer cast optimized.
modernize/optimize C++ with LLVM tools.
0.2.10 (2018-10-20)
string array type added:
- strings, string builtin: string array constructor.
- isstring: Return true if variable var is a string array.
- parser updated to manage string array:
A = ["Nelson" "manages"; "string" "array"]
- isequal, isequaln, isequalto extended to manage string array.
- transpose, ctranspose extended to manage string array.
- horzcat, vertcat extended to manage string array.
- cell extended to manage string array.
- double extended to manage string array.
- tolower, toupper extended to manage string array.
- strtrim extended to manage string array.
- strlength extended to manage string array.
- count extended to manage string array.
- contains extended to manage string array.
- startsWith, endsWith extended to manage string array.
- replace, strrep extended to manage string array.
- str2double extended to manage string array.
- fprintf, sprintf extended to manage string array.
- strfind extended to manage string array.
- strcmp, strcmpi, strncmp, strncmpi extended to manage string array.
- fileread, filewrite extended to manage string array.
- operators ==, ~=, <, >, >=, <= extended to manage string array.
- operator plus extended to manage string array.
- loadbin, savebin extended to manage string array.
- MPI interface extended to manage string array.
deblank builtin: removes trailing whitespace from a cell of strings, a string array or a character vectors.
ismissing builtin: search missing values.
cellstr function: converts to cell array of character vectors.
operators ==, ~=, <, >, >=, <= reworked (Compatiblity Array Sizes increased).
==, ~=, isequal: speed optimization.
internal API C++ methods renamed:
- "stringConstructor" --> "characterArrayConstructor".
- "isString" --> "isCharacterArray"
- "isSingleString" --> "isRowVectorCharacterArray"
#164: operators ==, ~=, <, >, >=, <= code factorized.
#159: addpath must return an warning and not an error for an non existing path.
#157: fix warnings detected by LGTM.com.
#156: Moves dbstack in 'debugger' module.
0.2.9 (2018-09-23)
Overload and speed optimization:
- all operators use by default predefined functions. Nelson will search if operators are missing for a specific type.
- add overloadbasictypes function to change default behavior.
- gamma function speed x4 (overloading)
power element-wise operator reworked (overloading and mixed types).
colon operator reworked (overloading and mixed types).
ndarray subclass no more exists. class merged with basic type (speed optimization).
isequalto builtin added (returns true if all arguments x1, x2, ... , xn are equal i.e same type, same dimensions, same values or NaNs).
tanm, sinm builtin added.
strtrim builtin: removes leading and trailing whitespace from a cell of strings or a string.
cell & struct managed for complex transpose & transpose.
for, index column or matrix: behavior changed.
Warning: It is a breaking feature.
// Please replace: A = [1:4]'; for i = A, x = i + 1, end // by: A = [1:4]'; for i = A(:)', x = i + 1, end
Bug Fixes:
#133: Replaced uncommon term "trinary" by "ternary".
#119: Execution of simple expression "1+2+3" was rather slow.
#115:code about single & double operators was factorized
#114: Move gamma function in a dedicated module "special_functions".
- Enable LGTM.com analysis for C/C++ code.
0.2.8 (2018-08-26)
error manager reworked.
- internal C++ function did no more require reference to evaluator.
- error and warning internally managed as exceptions.
'dbstack' builtin get current instruction calling tree.
#16: lastwarn builtin (Last recorded warning message).
#15: warning builtin was extended (state and identifier added).
Bug Fixes:
#152: insertion did not return expected result for empty matrix.
#138: colon operator did not return expected for non scalar element.
- Qt 5.11.1 on Windows
0.2.7 (2018-07-29)
sqrt builtin (Square root)
log builtin (Natural logarithm)
angle function (Phase angle)
atan2 builtin (four-quadrant inverse tangent)
exp builtin (exponential)
#142: clear('functionName') clears all persistent variables of functionName function.
addition, substraction reworked (Compatiblity Array Sizes increased, code factorized).
&, |, &&, || operators reworked (Compatiblity Array Sizes increased).
havecompiler uses a persistent variable to speedup result.
Bug Fixes:
0.2.6 (2018-06-26)
Nelson provides a cross-platform command-line tool written in Nelson for compiling native addon modules for Nelson. It takes away the pain of dealing with the various differences in build platforms:
helper's functions to build C/C++ code easily on Windows, Linux, MacOS X:
- dlgeneratemake: generates a makefile for building a dynamic library.
- dlgeneratecleaner: generates cleaner.nls file for C++ gateway.
- dlgenerateloader: generates loader.m file for C++ gateway.
- dlgenerateunloader: generates unloader.m file for C++ gateway.
- dlgenerategateway: generates C++ gateway.
- findcmake: find CMake path.
- cmake function: call CMake tool.
- dlmake: call make or nmake tool.
detect and configure C/C++ compilers on Windows, Linux, MacOS:
On Windows:
- VS 2017 Professional, Entreprise, Community supported.
- MinGW-W64 for 32 and 64 bit supported.
- By default, Nelson does not try to detect a C/C++ compiler on Windows. Do not forget to run 'configuremsvc' or 'configuremingw' once.
On Linux:
- GNU C/C++ Compilers, Clang.
MacOS X:
- Xcode or GNU compiler available via Homebrew .
havecompiler function: returns if a compiler is configured.
configuremingw function: select and configure Mingw-w64 compilers.
configuremsvc function: select and configure Microsoft compilers.
loadcompilerconf function: load compiler configuration
removecompilerconf function: remove compiler configuration
vswhere function: detects easily modern Microsoft compilers.
module skeleton updated to build an example with C++ function (cpp_sum).
sprintf, fprintf functions: format data into a string or a file.
add "<--C/C++ COMPILER REQUIRED-->" tag managed by test engine.
add "<--INDEX 64 BIT REQUIRED-->" tag managed by test engine.
norm function: matrix and vectors norms.
#128: code indented with clang-format (webkit coding style)
Bug Fixes:
#139: fix(1e10) returned a wrong value.
#136: Corrected predecence of Colon ":" operator.
#134: Evaluation of Non-Scalar If-Condition Expression was not managed.
#116: fix display size of big sparse matrix.
- libffi 3.2.1 dll on Windows 32 & 64 bit
0.2.5 (2018-05-23)
- logm: matrix logarithm.
- sqrtm: square root of a square matrix.
- eval function: evaluates string for execution in Nelson.
- evalin function: evaluates string for execution in Nelson in a specified scope.
- evalc function: Evaluate Nelson code with console capture.
- winqueryreg function read the Windows registry (Windows only).
- factorial function.
- gamma function.
- plus, minus, le, ne, ge, gt, lt, eq, colon operators added for all integer types.
- le, ne, ge, gt, lt, eq for mixed single & double types.
- add generic overload mechanism for all integers: integer keyword.
- vertcat and horzcat: mixed concatenations logical with integers, single and double added.
- #110: add isproperty & ismethod to all handle types.
- add "isHandleProperty", "isHandleMethod", "getHandleCategory" C++ API Methods.
- #108: cast function: converts variable to a different data type.
- MPI Module loaded if MPI dependency is available.
Bug Fixes:
#125: cosm function was slow.
#123: addpath stopped to work after repeatedly call to the same path.
#121: home key did not work in GUI terminal on prompt.
#118: add information in DEVELOPMENT.md about how to buid Boost on old Ubuntu versions.
#109: add missing horzcat, vertcat for all handle types.
- BOOST 1.67 on Windows
- MSMPI 9.0.1 on Windows
- Update Visual Studio 15.7.1
0.2.4 (2018-04-30)
Foreign Function Interface: call C/Fortran functions that are compiled into shared libraries.
- dlopen: loads an dynamic library.
- dlclose: removes/unload dllib object.
- dlsym: loads a C/Fortran symbol for an dynamic library.
- dlcall: C or Fortran Foreign function call.
- dllibinfo: returns list of available symbols in an shared library.
- dllibisloaded: checks if shared library is loaded.
- libpointer: creates an C pointer object usuable in Nelson.
- getdynlibext : returns the extension of dynamic libraries.
#101: allows cell_vertcat_generic & cell_horzcat_generic.
Bug Fixes:
#106: update slicot url references.
#104: mpiexec did not work on some linux.
0.2.3 (2018-03-22)
'strlength': length of strings in an cell of strings.
'strrep' and 'replace' builtin : replace substring in a string.
export AUDIODEV=null disables audio module (used for Travis CI)
'xmldoctomd' : Converts xml Nelson help files to markdown format.
'buildhelpmd' : Build help of Nelson's modules for GitBook.
see Nelson's GitBook.
0.2.2 (2018-02-25)
- 'count' : computes the number of occurrences of an pattern.
- 'startsWith' : checks if string starts with pattern.
- 'endsWith' : checks if string ends with pattern.
- 'contains' : checks if string contains a pattern.
- audiometadata can modify metadata tags.
- Qt 5.10 used on Windows binaries
Bug Fixes:
#98: jsonencode was slow with a big file (> 60 Mo).
#97: fileread was slow with a big file (> 60 Mo).
#93: playblocking updated to manage range.
#92: play updated to manage range.
#90: factorize handle objects methods.
0.2.1 (2018-01-30)
pause: pause script execution.
keyboard: stop script execution and enter in debug mode.
Audio module:
- beep: do a beep sound.
- audiodevinfo: Information about audio device.
- audioplayer: creates an audio player object.
- play: plays audio object.
- playblocking: plays audio object and block execution until finish.
- pause: pauses audio object.
- stop: stops audio object.
- resume: resumes audio object.
- isplaying: returns if audio object is playing.
- audioread: read an audio file.
- audioread: write an audio file.
- audioinfo: get information about audio file.
- audiometadata: get metadata information about audio file.
JSON module:
- jsonencode: encodes a Nelson object into a JSON string.
- jsondecode: decodes a JSON string into a Nelson object.
- jsonprettyprint: JSON pretty printer.
#89: extends fileread behavior.
'filewrite' builtin allows to easily write to file a string array or a cell of strings.
'newline' function: returns newline character i.e char(10).
ndarraychar_disp was missing.
NIG slicot uses json files.
Bug Fixes:
Regenerates help files index if database is empty or wrong (>= Qt 5.9)
#87: struct did not support sparse matrix.
- Update VS 2017 solution to VS 2017 15.5.4