<< cmdsep | OS functions | createGUID >> |
c = computer() |
[c, maxsize] = computer() |
[c, maxsize, endian] = computer() |
arch = computer('arch') |
a string: returns the architecture of the computer.
a string: computer type: 'PCWIN', 'PCWIN64', 'GLNXA64', 'GLNXA32', 'MACI32', 'MACI64'
a integer value: maximum number of elements allowed in an array.
a string: 'L' for little-endian, 'B' for big-endian.
a string: architecture type: 'win64', 'win32', 'glnxa64', 'glnxa32', 'maci64', 'maci32'.
computers identifies the type of computer that Nelson is running on.
c = computer()
[c, maxsize] = computer()
[c, maxsize, endian] = computer()
arch = computer('arch')
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | initial version |