- Functions manager
- addpath— Add directories to functions search path.
- builtin— Executes built-in function.
- clearfun— Clear an built-in function.
- feval— Evaluates function.
- inmem— Names of functions, MEX-files.
- isbuiltin— Check for the existence of a builtin.
- ismacro— Check for the existence of a macro (function).
- ismex— Check for the existence of a mex function.
- macroargs— Returns variables names of a function.
- path— Modify or display Nelson’s load path.
- private functions— Private functions.
- rehash— Reinitialize Nelson’s search path directory cache.
- restoredefaultpath— Restore Nelson’s path to its initial state at startup.
- rmpath— Remove directory from search path.
- userpath— Displays or modify default user functions directory.
- what— Get Nelson builtin and macro list.
- which— Locates functions and built-in.
- Core
- banner— Shows Nelson banner.
- eval— Evaluate Nelson code in string.
- evalc— Evaluate Nelson code with console capture.
- evalin— Evaluate Nelson code in string in an specified scope.
- execstr— Execute Nelson code in strings.
- exist— Check for the existence.
- exit— Terminate Nelson program (same as quit)
- feature— undocumented features.
- inputname— Get variable name of function input.
- isunicodesupported— Detect whether the current terminal supports Unicode.
- license— Get license information for Nelson.
- maxNumCompThreads— Set/Get maximum number of computional threads.
- namelengthmax— Return the maximum variable name length.
- nargin— Returns the number of input arguments.
- narginchk— Checks the number of input arguments.
- nargout— Returns the number of output arguments.
- nargoutchk— Checks the number of output arguments.
- nelsonroot— Returns Nelson's root folder.
- nfilename— Returns the name of the currently executing file.
- pause— Pauses script execution.
- prefdir— Return the preferences directory used by Nelson.
- quit— Terminate Nelson application
- run— Executes a script file (.m).
- sha256— Get sha256 checksum.
- version— Return the version of Nelson.
- Engine
- argv— Nelson command line arguments.
- executable— Executables to start Nelson software.
- finish— User-defined termination script for Nelson.
- getnelsonmode— Returns current Nelson mode.
- isquietmode— Return true if Nelson started with --quiet option.
- #! shebang— On Unix, Linux operating systems, Parses the rest of the script's initial line as an interpreter directive.
- startup— User-defined startup script for Nelson.
- Types module
- class— Return classname of object or creates a named object.
- isa— Return true if var is an object from the class str.
- iscell— Return true if variable var is a cell array.
- ischar— Return true if variable var is a char array.
- isclass— Return true if variable var is a class object.
- isdouble— Return true if variable var is a double matrix.
- isempty— Return true if variable var is an empty matrix.
- isfloat— Return true if variable var is a single or double matrix.
- ishandle— Return true if variable var is a handle object.
- isint16— Return true if variable var is a signed 16-bit integer type array.
- isint32— Return true if variable var is a signed 32-bit integer type array.
- isint64— Return true if variable var is a signed 64-bit integer type array.
- isint8— Return true if variable var is a signed 8-bit integer type array.
- isinteger— Return true if variable var is a integer type array.
- islogical— Return true if variable var is a logical.
- isnumeric— Return true if variable var is a numeric array.
- isobject— Return true if variable var is an object.
- isreal— Return true if all imaginary part is a zero array.
- issingle— Return true if variable var is a single matrix.
- issparse— Return true if variable var is a sparse array.
- isstring— Return true if variable var is a string array.
- isstruct— Return true if variable var is a structure.
- isuint16— Return true if variable var is an unsigned 16-bit integer type array.
- isuint32— Return true if variable var is an unsigned 32-bit integer type array.
- isuint64— Return true if variable var is an unsigned 64-bit integer type array.
- isuint8— Return true if variable var is an unsigned 8-bit integer type array.
- isvarname— Return true if input is valid variable name.
- Double
- double— Converts a variable to double precision type.
- flintmax— Largest consecutive integer in floating-point format.
- realmax— Largest positive floating-point number.
- realmin— Smallest positive floating-point number.
- Data structures
- cell— Create cell array of empty matrices.
- cell2mat— Transform a cell array containing matrices into a single, concatenated matrix.
- cell2struct— Creates a struct from a cell.
- celldisp— Display cell array contents.
- cellfun— Evaluates an function on a cell.
- cellstr— Converts to cell of character array.
- fieldnames— Returns field names of a structure or an handle.
- getfield— Returns value of a field in a struct.
- iscellstr— Returns if a variable is a cell of strings.
- isfield— Checks if a fieldname exists in a struct.
- namedargs2cell— Converts a struct containing name-value pairs to a cell.
- num2cell— Convert array to cell array with consistently sized cells.
- orderfields— Reorganize the fields of a structured array.
- rmfield— Remove fields from structure.
- setfield— Set structure field contents.
- struct— Creates a struct.
- struct2cell— Creates a cell from a structure.
- Dictionaries
- configureDictionary— Generate a dictionary with defined key and value types.
- dictionary— Object that maps unique keys to values.
- entries— Key-value pairs of dictionary.
- insert— Add entries to a dictionary.
- isConfigured— Check if dictionary has types assigned to keys and values.
- isKey— Check if dictionary contains key
- keyHash— Create a hash code for a dictionary key.
- keyMatch— Check whether two dictionary keys are same.
- keys— Keys of dictionary.
- lookup— Find value in dictionary by key.
- numEntries— Number of key-value pairs in dictionary.
- remove— Remove dictionary entries.
- types— Types of dictionary keys and values.
- values— Values of dictionary.
- Integers type
- int16— Converts to 16-bit signed integer.
- int32— Converts to 32-bit signed integer.
- int64— Converts to 64-bit signed integer.
- int8— Converts to 8-bit signed integer.
- intmax— Return the largest integer that can be represented in an integer type.
- intmin— Return the smallest integer that can be represented in an integer type.
- uint16— Converts to 16-bit unsigned integer.
- uint32— Converts to 32-bit unsigned integer.
- uint64— Converts to 64-bit unsigned integer.
- uint8— Converts to 8-bit unsigned integer.
- Sparse type
- IJV— Returns I,J,V triplets from a sparse matrix.
- full— Sparse to full matrix conversion.
- nnz— Return the number of nonzero elements.
- nzmax— Reserved size for nonzero elements.
- sparse— Sparse matrix definition.
- speye— Sparse identity matrix.
- spones— Replaces non zero sparse matrix elements with ones.
- String type
- append— combines strings horizontally.
- blanks— creates an string of blank characters.
- char— Converts to a character array.
- contains— checks if string contains with pattern.
- convertCharsToStrings— Convert chars arrays to string arrays.
- convertStringsToChars— Convert string arrays to character arrays.
- count— Computes the number of occurrences of an pattern.
- deblank— Remove trailing whitespace.
- endsWith— checks if string ends with pattern.
- int2str— Convert an integer array to a string
- isStringScalar— checks if input is string array with one element.
- isletter— Determine which characters are letters.
- isspace— Determine which characters are space.
- join— Combine strings.
- mat2str— Matrix to String.
- matches— Determine if pattern matches with strings.
- newline— Returns a newline character.
- num2str— Converts numbers to character array.
- replace— Replaces strings in another.
- sprintf— Writes data to a string.
- startsWith— checks if string starts with pattern.
- str2double— Converts a string to double.
- strcat— concatenate strings horizontally.
- strcmp— Strings comparaison.
- strcmpi— Strings comparaison (case insensitive).
- strfind— Find a string in another.
- string— string array constructor.
- strings— Create string array without characters.
- strjust— Justify strings
- strlength— Length of strings in cell of strings or string array.
- strncmp— Compares first n characters of strings.
- strncmpi— Compares first n characters of strings (case sensitive).
- strrep— Replaces strings in another.
- strtrim— Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
- tolower— Lower case conversion.
- toupper— Upper case conversion.
- Handle
- delete— delete handle objects.
- get— Retrieve a property value from an handle object.
- invoke— Invoke method on an handle object.
- ismethod— Return true if method of handle object.
- isprop— Return true if property of handle object.
- isvalid— Return true if variable h is a valid handle.
- methods— Returns the methods name of an object handle.
- properties— Returns the properties name of an object handle.
- set— Set a property value of an handle object.
- Constructors functions
- Inf— Infinity
- NaN— Creates an Not-a-Number
- diag— Get diagonal elements of matrix or create diagonal matrix.
- eps— Creates an epsilon (machine precision)
- eye— Creates an identity matrix.
- i— Pure Imaginary number.
- ones— Creates an matrix made of ones.
- pi— Ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter.
- zeros— Creates an matrix made of zeros.
- Operators
- all— all of the elements of a matrix satisfy some condition.
- and— logical 'AND' operator, &
- any— any of the elements of a matrix satisfy some condition.
- bitand— Bit-wise AND
- bitor— Bit-wise OR
- bitxor— Bit-wise XOR
- cat— Concatenate arrays.
- colon— colon operator ':'.
- ctranspose— Returns complex conjugate transpose: ' operator.
- eq— equality, == operator.
- ge— greater than or equal, >= operator.
- gt— greater than, > operator.
- horzcat— Horizontal concatenation.
- ismember— Array elements that are members of another array.
- ldivide— Left division, .\ operator.
- le— less than or equal, ≤ operator.
- lt— less than, < operator.
- minus— Subtraction, - operator
- mldivide— Matrix left division, \ operator.
- mpower— Matrix power, ^ operator
- mrdivide— Matrix right division, / operator.
- mtimes— Matrix multiplication, * operator
- ne— Inequality, ~= operator
- not— not logical, ~ operator
- or— logical 'OR' operator, |
- plus— Addition, + operator
- power— Element wise power, .^ operator
- rdivide— Right division, ./ operator
- shortcutand— Short circuit 'AND' operator, &&
- shortcutor— Short circuit 'OR' operator, ||
- subsasgn— Redefine subscripted assignment.
- subsindex— Convert an object to an index vector.
- subsref— Subscripted reference.
- mtimes— Element wise multiplication, .* operator
- transpose— Returns vector or matrix transpose: .' operator.
- uminus— Unary minus, - operator
- uplus— Unary plus, + operator
- vertcat— Vertical concatenation.
- Elementary functions
- abs— Absolute value
- allfinite— Check if all array elements are finite.
- angle— Phase angle
- base2dec— Convert number in a base to decimal.
- bernsteinMatrix— Bernstein matrix
- bin2dec— Convert number in base 2 to decimal.
- bin2num— Convert two's complement binary string to number.
- blkdiag— Block diagonal matrix
- cast— Converts variable to a different data type
- ceil— Round up
- circshift— Circular shift
- complex— Creates an complex number.
- conj— Complex conjugate
- deal— Distribute inputs to outputs.
- dec2base— Convert decimal number to another base.
- dec2bin— Convert decimal number to base 2.
- dec2hex— Convert decimal number to base 16.
- exp— Exponential
- factorial— Factorial function
- filter— 1-D digital filter
- find— Find Non-zero Elements
- fix— Round towards zero
- flip— Flip order of elements
- flipdim— Flip array along specified dimension
- fliplr— Flip order of elements left to right
- flipud— Flip order of elements up to dow
- floor— Round down
- hadamard— Hadamard matrix
- hankel— Hankel matrix
- hex2dec— Convert number in base 16 to decimal.
- hilb— Hilbert matrix
- hypot— Square root of sum of squares
- imag— Imaginary part of an complex number.
- ind2sub— Linear index to matrix subscript values
- invhilb— Inverse of Hilbert matrix
- ipermute— Inverse permute array dimensions.
- isapprox— Return true if arguments are approximately equal, within the precision.
- iscolumn— Determine whether input is column vector.
- istriu— Checks if matrix is diagonal.
- isequal— Return true if all arguments x1, x2, ... , xn are equal (same dimensions, same values).
- isequaln— Return true if all arguments x1, x2, ... , xn are equal (same dimensions, same values or NaNs).
- isequalto— Return true if all arguments x1, x2, ... , xn are equal (same type, same dimensions, same values or NaNs).
- isfinite— Check for finite entries.
- isinf— Check for Infinity entries.
- ismatrix— determines whether input is matrix or not
- isnan— Check for Not a Number entries.
- isrow— Determine whether input is row vector.
- isscalar— Check if the input is a scalar
- istril— Checks if matrix is lower triangular.
- istriu— Checks if matrix is upper triangular.
- isvector— Checks input is vector.
- length— Length of an object.
- linspace— linearly spaced vector constructor.
- log— Natural logarithm.
- log10— Common logarithm (base 10).
- log1p— log(1 + x) accurately for small values of x.
- log2— dissect floating-point numbers into base 2 exponent and mantissa.
- logspace— logarithmically spaced vector constructor.
- magic— Magic square
- meshgrid— Cartesian rectangular grid in 2-D or 3-D.
- minus— Subtraction, - operator
- mod— Modulus after division.
- ndgrid— Rectangular grid in N-D space
- ndims— Number of dimensions of an array.
- nextpow2— Exponent of next higher power of 2
- norm— Matrix and vector norms
- normest— 2-norm estimate
- nthroot— The real 𝑛th root of real number.
- num2bin— Convert number to binary representation.
- numel— Number of elements.
- permute— Permute array dimensions.
- pinv— Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
- pow2— Base 2 exponentiation and scaling of floating-point numbers.
- real— Real part of an complex number.
- rem— Remainder after division.
- repmat— Replicate and tile an array.
- reshape— Reshapes a vector or a matrix to a different size matrix.
- rosser— Classic symmetric eigenvalue test problem.
- rot90— Rotate array 90 degrees.
- round— Round to nearest integer
- shiftdim— Shift array dimensions
- sign— Find the sign function of a number.
- size— Size of an object.
- sqrt— Square root.
- squeeze— Remove dimensions of length 1.
- sub2ind— Matrix subscript values to linear index
- substruct— Create structure argument for subsasgn or subsref
- swapbytes— Swap byte ordering.
- toeplitz— Toeplitz matrix
- tril— Lower triangular part of matrix
- triu— Upper triangular part of matrix
- vander— Vandermonde matrix
- wilkinson— Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix
- Data analysis
- conv— Convolution and polynomial multiplication.
- conv2— 2-D convolution.
- cumprod— Cumulative product of array elements.
- cumsum— Cumulative sum of array elements.
- ismissing— Check for missing values.
- issorted— Determine if array is sorted.
- max— Maximum elements of an array.
- min— Minimum elements of an array.
- prod— Product of array elements.
- sort— Sort array elements by quick sort algorithm.
- sum— Sum of array elements.
- unique— Unique values.
- Trigonometric functions
- acos— Computes the inverse cosine in radians for each element of x.
- acosd— Inverse cosine in degrees.
- acosh— Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
- acot— Inverse cotangent of angle in radians
- acotd— Inverse cotangent of angle in degrees
- acoth— Inverse hyperbolic cotangent.
- acsc— Inverse cosecant in radians.
- acscd— Inverse cosecant in degrees.
- acsch— Inverse hyperbolic cosecant.
- asec— Inverse secant of angle in radians.
- asecd— Inverse secant of argument in degrees.
- asech— Inverse hyperbolic secant of angle in radians.
- asin— Computes the inverse sine in radians for each element of x.
- asind— Inverse sine in degrees.
- asinh— Inverse hyperbolic sine function
- atan— Computes the inverse tangent in radians for each element of x.
- atan2— Computes the four-quadrant inverse tangent.
- atan2d— Four-quadrant inverse tangent in degrees.
- atand— Inverse tangent in degrees.
- atanh— Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent.
- cart2pol— Transforms Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindrical.
- cart2sph— Transforms Cartesian to spherical coordinates.
- cos— Computes the cosine in radians for each element of x.
- cosd— Computes the cosine in degree for each element of x.
- cosh— Computes the hyperbolic cosine in radians for each element of x.
- cosm— Computes the matrix cosine of a square matrix.
- cospi— Computes cos(X * pi) accurately.
- cot— Cotangent of angle in radians
- cotd— Cotangent of argument in degrees
- coth— Hyperbolic cotangent.
- csc— Cosecant of input angle in radians.
- cscd— Cosecant of argument in degrees.
- csch— Hyperbolic cosecant.
- deg2rad— Convert angle from degrees to radians.
- pol2cart— Transforms polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian.
- rad2deg— Convert angle from radians to degrees.
- sec— Secant of angle in radians.
- secd— Secant of argument in degrees.
- sech— Hyperbolic secant.
- sin— Computes the sine in radians for each element of x.
- sind— Computes the sine in degree for each element of x.
- sinh— Computes the hyperbolic sine in radians for each element of x.
- sinm— Computes the matrix sinus of a square matrix.
- sinpi— Computes sin(X * pi) accurately.
- sph2cart— Transform spherical coordinates to Cartesian.
- tan— Computes the tangent in radians for each element of x.
- tand— Computes the tangent in degree for each element of x.
- tanh— Computes the hyperbolic tangent in radians for each element of x.
- tanm— Computes the matrix tangent of a square matrix.
- Linear algebra
- balance— Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy.
- bandwidth— Lower and upper matrix bandwidth.
- chol— Cholesky factorization.
- cond— Condition number for inversion.
- condeig— Condition number with respect to eigenvalues.
- det— Matrix determinant.
- diff— Differences and approximate derivatives.
- eig— Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
- expm— Computes the matrix exponential of a square matrix.
- gradient— Numerical gradient.
- inv— Matrix inverse.
- isbanded— Determine if matrix is within specific bandwidth.
- ishermitian— Computes if matrix is hermitian or skew-hermitian.
- issymmetric— Computes if matrix is symmetric.
- kron— Kronecker tensor product.
- logm— Computes the matrix logarithm of a square matrix.
- lu— LU matrix factorization.
- orth— Range space of a matrix.
- planerot— Givens plane rotation.
- rank— Rank of matrix.
- rcond— Inverse condition number.
- rref— Gauss-Jordan elimination.
- rsf2csf— Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form.
- schur— Schur decomposition.
- sqrtm— Computes the matrix square root of a square matrix.
- subspace— Angle between two subspaces.
- svd— Singular Value Decomposition.
- trace— Matrix trace.
- vecnorm— Vector-wise norm.
- Polynomials
- deconv— Deconvolution and polynomial division.
- poly— Polynomial with specified roots or characteristic polynomial.
- polyder— Polynomial differentiation.
- polyfit— Polynomial curve fitting.
- polyint— Polynomial integration.
- polyval— Polynomial evaluation.
- polyvalm— Matrix polynomial evaluation.
- roots— Find polynomial roots.
- Subroutine Library In COntrol Theory
- SLICOT License— About SLICOT license.
- slicot_ab01od— Staircase form for multi-input systems using orthogonal state and input transformations.
- slicot_ab04md— Discrete-time / continuous-time systems conversion by a bilinear transformation.
- slicot_ab07nd— Inverse of a given linear system.
- slicot_ab08nd— Construction of a regular pencil for a given system such that its generalized eigenvalues are invariant zeros of the system.
- slicot_ag08bd— Zeros and Kronecker structure of a descriptor system pencil.
- slicot_mb02md— Solution of Total Least-Squares problem using a SVD approach.
- slicot_mb03od— Matrix rank determination by incremental condition estimation.
- slicot_mb03pd— Matrix rank determination by incremental condition estimation (row pivoting).
- slicot_mb03rd— Reduction of a real Schur form matrix to a block-diagonal form.
- slicot_mb04gd— RQ factorization with row pivoting of a matrix.
- slicot_mb04md— Balancing a general real matrix.
- slicot_mb05od— Matrix exponential for a real matrix, with accuracy estimate.
- slicot_mc01td— Checking stability of a given real polynomial.
- slicot_sb01bd— Pole assignment for a given matrix pair (A,B).
- slicot_sb02od— Solution of continuous- or discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations (generalized Schur vectors method).
- slicot_sb03md— Solution of continuous- or discrete-time Lyapunov equations and separation estimation.
- slicot_sb03od— Solution of stable continuous- or discrete-time Lyapunov equations (Cholesky factor).
- slicot_sb04md— Solution of continuous-time Sylvester equations (Hessenberg-Schur method).
- slicot_sb04qd— Solution of discrete-time Sylvester equations (Hessenberg-Schur method).
- slicot_sb10jd— Converting a descriptor state-space system into regular state-space form.
- slicot_sg02ad— Solution of continuous- or discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations for descriptor systems.
- slicot_tb01id— Balancing a system matrix corresponding to a triplet (A, B, C).
- slicot_tg01ad— Balancing the matrices of the system pencil corresponding to a descriptor triple (A-lambda E, B, C).
- FFTW License— About FFTW license.
- FFTWwrapper— load/free FFTW library dynamically.
- fft— Fast Fourier transform.
- fft2— 2-D fast Fourier transform.
- fftn— N-Dimensions fast Fourier transform.
- fftshift— Shift the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum.
- fftw— function for determining FFT algorithm.
- ifft— Inverse Fast Fourier transform.
- ifftn— Inverse multidimensional fast Fourier transform.
- ifftshift— inverse of fftshift
- OS functions
- cmdsep— Command separator for current operating system.
- computer— System information.
- createGUID— Creates a GUID.
- getenv— Get the value of an environment variable.
- hostname— get host name of this computer.
- ismac— Checks if version is for MacOS platform.
- ispc— Checks if version is for Windows platform.
- isunix— Checks if version is for GNU Linux or Unix platform.
- searchenv— Searches for a file using environment paths.
- setenv— Set the value of an environment variable.
- system— Shell command execution.
- username— get user name currently used.
- winopen— Open file in appropriate application (Windows only).
- winqueryreg— Read the Windows registry (Windows only).
- Files and folders functions
- cd— Changes Nelson current directory.
- copyfile— Copy files or folder.
- diff_file— diff two files or strings.
- dir— Returns file list.
- fileparts— Returns the path, filename and extension of a file path.
- filesep— Return the file separator character for the current platform.
- fullfile— Build full file name from parts.
- fullpath— Returns canonical full path.
- isdir— Returns true is the input argument is an directory.
- isfile— Returns true is the input argument is a file.
- isfolder— Returns true is the input argument is an directory.
- ls— List folder contents.
- mkdir— Creates a new directory.
- pathsep— Return the search path separator character for the current platform.
- pwd— Returns current directory.
- relativepath— Returns the relative path from an actual path to the target path.
- rmdir— Removes a directory.
- rmfile— Removes a file.
- tempdir— Returns the temporary directory path.
- tempname— Returns an unique temporary filename.
- userdir— Returns the current user's path.
- Memory manager functions
- acquirevar— Acquires variable value from a specified variables scope.
- assignin— Assignin value to a variable in a specified variables scope.
- clear— Remove variable from workspace.
- global— Defines a global variable.
- isglobal— Checks if a variable is global.
- isvar— Check for the existence of an variable.
- memory— Get memory information.
- persistent— Persistent variable.
- varislock— Checks if a variable is locked.
- varlock— Locks a variable.
- varunlock— Unlocks a variable.
- who— List variables in memory or in .nh5 or in .mat file.
- whos— List variables in memory or in .nh5 or in .mat file with sizes and types.
- Time functions
- addtodate— Modify date number by field.
- calendar— Calendar.
- clock— Return the current local date and time as a date vector.
- cputime— Return the CPU time used by your Nelon session.
- date— Return the Current date as character vector.
- datenum— Return the date/time input as a serial day number.
- datestr— Convert date and time to string format.
- datevec— Convert a serial date number into a date vector.
- eomday— Returns last day of month.
- etime— Time elapsed between date vectors.
- hour— Hours part of the input date and time.
- leapyear— Determine leap year.
- minute— Minutes part of the input date and time.
- now— Returns current date under the form of a Unix hour.
- second— Seconds part of the input date and time.
- sleep— Suspend code execution.
- tic— Starts a stopwatch timer.
- time— Return the current time as the number of seconds or nanoseconds since the epoch.
- timeit— Measure time required to run function.
- toc— Read the stopwatch timer.
- weekday— Return the day of week.
- Random
- rand— Random Number.
- randn— Normally distributed random number.
- randperm— Random permutation of integers values.
- rng— Random Number Generator.
- Parallel
- afterAll— Run function after all functions finish running in the background.
- afterEach— Run function after each function finish running in the background.
- backgroundPool— Environment for running nelson's code in the background.
- cancel— Stop function running in the background.
- cancelAll— Stop all functions running in the background.
- fetchNext— Retrieve next unread outputs from FevalFuture array.
- fetchOutputs— Retrieve results from function running in the background pool.
- parfeval— Run function in background.
- wait— Wait for futures to be completed.
- Stream manager
- diary— Diary of a session.
- fclose— Close an opened file.
- feof— Checks end of file.
- ferror— Test for i/o read/write errors.
- fgetl— Read string from a file without newline.
- fgets— Read string from a file, stopping after a newline, or EOF, or n characters have been read.
- fileread— Read contents of file as text.
- filewrite— Write text to a file.
- fopen— Open a file in Nelson.
- fprintf— Writes data to a file.
- fread— Read data in binary form to the file specified by the file descriptor fid.
- frewind— Set position of stream to the beginning.
- fscanf— Reads data from a file.
- fseek— Set the file pointer to a location.
- fsize— Returns size of an opened file.
- ftell— Returns the offset of the current byte relative to the beginning of a file.
- fwrite— Write data in binary form to the file specified by the file descriptor fid.
- load— load data from .nh5 or .mat file into Nelson's workspace.
- save— save workspace variables to .nh5 or .mat file
- sscanf— Read formatted data from strings.
- HDF5
- h5create— Creates a data set.
- h5dump— dump the content of hdf5 file as text.
- h5ls— List the content of an HDF5 file.
- h5read— Read HDF5 data set.
- h5readatt— Read HDF5 attribute.
- h5write— Writes HDF5 data set.
- h5writeatt— Writes HDF5 attribute.
- isnh5file— Checks if filename a valid .nh5 file
- loadnh5— load data from .nh5 file into Nelson's workspace.
- savenh5— save workspace variables to .nh5 file
- whonh5— List variables in an valid .nh5 file.
- whosnh5— List variables in an valid .nh5 file with sizes and types.
- ismatfile— Checks if filename a valid .mat file
- loadmat— load data from .mat file into Nelson's workspace.
- savemat— save workspace variables to .mat file
- whomat— List variables in an valid .mat file.
- whosmat— List variables in an valid .mat file with sizes and types.
- nig— Nelson tool to interface C or Fortran functions with Nelson.
- Web tools
- checkupdate— Check update for Nelson's application
- repo— Git repository tool for Nelson
- urlencode— Replace special characters in URLs with escape characters.
- weboptions— Specify parameters for RESTful web service
- webread— Read data from RESTful web service to Nelson's variable
- websave— Save data from RESTful web service to file
- webwrite— Write data to RESTful web service
- Geometry
- rotx— 3x3 transformation matrix for rotations around x-axis
- roty— 3x3 transformation matrix for rotations around y-axis
- rotz— 3x3 transformation matrix for rotations around z-axis
- Control System functions
- abcdchk— Verifies the dimensional compatibility of matrices A, B, C, and D.
- acker— Pole placement gain selection using Ackermann's formula.
- append— Appends the inputs and outputs of the two models.
- augstate— Append state vector to output vector.
- balreal— Gramian-based balancing of state-space realizations.
- bdschur— Block-diagonal Schur factorization.
- bode— Bode plot of frequency response, magnitude and phase data.
- c2d— Convert model from continuous to discrete time.
- care— Continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation solution.
- cloop— Feedback connection of multiple models.
- compreal— Companion realization of transfer functions.
- ctrb— Controllability of state-space model.
- ctrbf— Compute controllability staircase form.
- d2c— Convert model from discrete to continuous time.
- damp— Natural frequency and damping ratio.
- dare— Discret-time algebraic Riccati equation solution.
- dcgain— Low-frequency (DC) gain of LTI system.
- dlqr— Linear-quadratic (LQ) state-feedback regulator for discrete-time state-space system.
- dlyap— Discrete-time Lyapunov equations.
- dsort— Sort discrete-time poles by magnitude.
- esort— Sort continuous-time poles by real part.
- evalfr— Evaluate frequency response at given frequency.
- feedback— Feedback connection of multiple models.
- freqresp— Evaluate system response over a grid of frequencies.
- gensig— Create periodic signals for simulating system response.
- gram— Controllability and observability Gramians.
- hsvd— Hankel singular values of dynamic system.
- impulse— Impulse response plot of dynamic system.
- initial— System response to initial states of state-space model.
- isct— Checks if dynamic system model is in continuous time.
- isdt— Checks if dynamic system model is in discret time.
- islti— Checks if variable is an linear model tf, ss or zpk.
- issiso— Checks if dynamic system model is single input and single output.
- isstatic— Checks if model is static or dynamic.
- kalman— Design Kalman filter for state estimation.
- lqe— Kalman estimator design for continuous-time systems.
- lqed— Calculates the discrete Kalman estimator configuration based on a continuous cost function.
- lqr— Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design.
- lqry— Form linear-quadratic (LQ) state-feedback regulator with output weighting.
- lsim— Plot simulated time response of dynamic system to arbitrary inputs.
- lyap— Continuous Lyapunov equation solution.
- minreal— Minimal realization or pole-zero cancellation.
- nyquist— Nyquist plot of frequency response.
- obsv— Observability of state-space model.
- obsvf— Compute observability staircase form.
- ord2— Generate continuous second-order systems.
- padecoef— Computes the Pade approximation of time delays.
- parallel— Parallel connection of two models.
- pole— Poles of dynamic system.
- series— Series connection of two models.
- ss— State-space model.
- ss2tf— Convert state-space representation to transfer function.
- ssdata— Access state-space model data.
- ssdelete— Remove inputs, outputs and states from state-space system.
- ssselect— Extract subsystem from larger system.
- step— Step response plot of dynamic system.
- tf— Constructs a transfer function model.
- tf2ss— Convert transfer function filter parameters to state-space form.
- tfdata— Access transfer function model data.
- tzero— Invariant zeros of linear system.
- zero— Zeros and gain of SISO dynamic system.