Types module
Types module
module about types management.
- class - Return classname of object or creates a named object.
- isa - Return true if var is an object from the class str.
- iscell - Return true if variable var is a cell array.
- ischar - Return true if variable var is a char array.
- isclass - Return true if variable var is a class object.
- isdouble - Return true if variable var is a double matrix.
- isempty - Return true if variable var is an empty matrix.
- isfloat - Return true if variable var is a single or double matrix.
- ishandle - Return true if variable var is a handle object.
- isint16 - Return true if variable var is a signed 16-bit integer type array.
- isint32 - Return true if variable var is a signed 32-bit integer type array.
- isint64 - Return true if variable var is a signed 64-bit integer type array.
- isint8 - Return true if variable var is a signed 8-bit integer type array.
- isinteger - Return true if variable var is a integer type array.
- islogical - Return true if variable var is a logical.
- isnumeric - Return true if variable var is a numeric array.
- isobject - Return true if variable var is an object.
- isreal - Return true if all imaginary part is a zero array.
- issingle - Return true if variable var is a single matrix.
- issparse - Return true if variable var is a sparse array.
- isstring - Return true if variable var is a string array.
- isstruct - Return true if variable var is a structure.
- isuint16 - Return true if variable var is an unsigned 16-bit integer type array.
- isuint32 - Return true if variable var is an unsigned 32-bit integer type array.
- isuint64 - Return true if variable var is an unsigned 64-bit integer type array.
- isuint8 - Return true if variable var is an unsigned 8-bit integer type array.
- isvarname - Return true if input is valid variable name.