
Return the date/time input as a serial day number.


  • d = datetnum(datevec)
  • d = datenum(datestr)
  • d = datenum(datestr, format)
  • d = datenum(datestr, pivotYear)
  • d = datenum(DateString,format,pivotYear)
  • d = datetnum(Y, M, D)
  • d = datetnum(Y, M, D, H, MN, S)

Input argument

  • datevec - a vector: [Y, M, D, H, MN, S] or matrix N x 6.
  • format - a string specifying the date format, or leave it empty ('') for automatic format detection.
  • datestr - a string, cell of string or string array: text representing a date.
  • Y, M, D, H, MN, S - double: Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Secondes (scalar or vector).
  • pivotYear: Start year of 100-year date range - integer value or present minus 50 years (default).

Output argument

  • d - a double: serial date number (serial day 1 corresponds to 1-Jan-0000).


d = datenum() returns the serial date number corresponding to current date.

d = datenum(datevec) converts date vector to serial date number.

d = datenum(datestr) and d = datenum(datestr, format) converts string to serial date number.

Supported format conversion:

dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS 10-Mar-2010 16:48:17

dd-mmm-yyyy 10-Mar-2010

mm/dd/yyyy 03/10/2010

mm/dd/yy 03/10/00

mm/dd 03/10

mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS Mar.10,2010 16:48:17

mmm.dd,yyyy Mar.10,2010

yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS 2010-03-10 16:48:17

yyyy-mm-dd 2010-03-10

yyyy/mm/dd 2000/03/10

HH:MM:SS 16:48:17

HH:MM:SS PM 3:48:17 PM

HH:MM 16:48

HH:MM PM 3:35 PM

If format is not specified, the default format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

If format is specified and not using predefined format, the format must be specified as a character vector or string scalar composed of symbolic identifiers.

The format of the input text for representing dates and times, expressed as a character vector or string scalar composed of symbolic identifiers.

Symbolic Identifier Description Example
yyyy Year in full 1995, 2012
yy Year in two digits 89, 01
QQ Quarter year using letter Q and one digit Q1
mmmm Month using full name March, December
mmm Month using first three letters Mar, Dec
mm Month in two digits 04, 12
m Month using capitalized first letter M, D
dddd Day using full name Monday, Tuesday
ddd Day using first three letters Mon, Tue
dd Day in two digits 06, 21
d Day using capitalized first letter M, T
HH Hour in two digits (no leading zeros when symbolic identifier AM or PM is used) 06, 6 AM
MM Minute in two digits 11, 01
SS Second in two digits 06, 59
FFF Millisecond in three digits 056
AM or PM AM or PM inserted in text representing time 5:46:02 PM


d = datenum([1973,8,4,12,1,18])
d = datenum('04–Aug-1973 12:01:18')
d = datenum(["04–Aug-1973 12:01:18"; "04–Aug-1974 11:01:18"])

See also



1.0.0initial version
1.8.0date string parsing extended.
1.10.0added: format '' means try to detect.
