String type

String type


string type functions

  • append - combines strings horizontally.
  • blanks - creates an string of blank characters.
  • char - Converts to a character array.
  • contains - checks if string contains with pattern.
  • convertCharsToStrings - Convert chars arrays to string arrays.
  • convertStringsToChars - Convert string arrays to character arrays.
  • count - Computes the number of occurrences of an pattern.
  • deblank - Remove trailing whitespace.
  • endsWith - checks if string ends with pattern.
  • int2str - Convert an integer array to a string
  • isStringScalar - checks if input is string array with one element.
  • isletter - Determine which characters are letters.
  • isspace - Determine which characters are space.
  • join - Combine strings.
  • mat2str - Matrix to String.
  • matches - Determine if pattern matches with strings.
  • newline - Returns a newline character.
  • num2str - Converts numbers to character array.
  • replace - Replaces strings in another.
  • sprintf - Writes data to a string.
  • startsWith - checks if string starts with pattern.
  • str2double - Converts a string to double.
  • strcat - concatenate strings horizontally.
  • strcmp - Strings comparaison.
  • strcmpi - Strings comparaison (case insensitive).
  • strfind - Find a string in another.
  • string - string array constructor.
  • strings - Create string array without characters.
  • strjust - Justify strings
  • strlength - Length of strings in cell of strings or string array.
  • strncmp - Compares first n characters of strings.
  • strncmpi - Compares first n characters of strings (case sensitive).
  • strrep - Replaces strings in another.
  • strtrim - Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
  • tolower - Lower case conversion.
  • toupper - Upper case conversion.