Create import options based on file content.
- options = detectImportOptions(filename)
Input argument
- filename - a string: filename source.
Output argument
- options - DelimitedTextImportOptions object.
options = detectImportOptions(filename) identifies a table in a file and returns an import options object.
You can customize this object and use it with readtable, readcell or readmatrix to control how Nelson imports data as a table, cell array, or matrix.
The type of the returned options object depends on the file's extension.
Delimiter: Field delimiter characters. example: {','}
LineEnding: End-of-line characters. example: {'\r\n'}
CommentStyle: Style of comments. example: {'#'}
EmptyLineRule: Procedure to handle empty lines. example: 'skip'
VariableNamesLine: Variable names location. example: 1
VariableNames: Variable names. example: {'Names' 'Age' 'Height' 'Weight'}
RowNamesColumn: Row names location. example: 0
DataLines: Data location, [l1 l2] Indicate the range of lines containing the data. l1 refers to the first line with data, while l2 refers to the last line. example: [2 Inf]
Names = {'John'; 'Alice'; 'Bob'; 'Diana'};
Age = [28; 34; 22; 30];
Height = [175; 160; 180; 165];
Weight = [70; 55; 80; 60];
T = table(Names, Age, Height, Weight);
writetable(T, [tempdir,'readcell_1.csv'])
options = detectImportOptions([tempdir,'readcell_1.csv'])
C1 = readcell([tempdir,'readcell_1.csv'], options)
options.DataLines = [1 Inf]
C2 = readcell([tempdir,'readcell_1.csv'], options)
See also
readcell, readtable, readmatrix.
Version | Description |
1.10.0 | initial version |