Linear algebra
Linear algebra
linear algebra functions
- balance - Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy.
- bandwidth - Lower and upper matrix bandwidth.
- chol - Cholesky factorization.
- cond - Condition number for inversion.
- condeig - Condition number with respect to eigenvalues.
- det - Matrix determinant.
- diff - Differences and approximate derivatives.
- eig - Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
- expm - Computes the matrix exponential of a square matrix.
- gradient - Numerical gradient.
- inv - Matrix inverse.
- isbanded - Determine if matrix is within specific bandwidth.
- ishermitian - Computes if matrix is hermitian or skew-hermitian.
- issymmetric - Computes if matrix is symmetric.
- kron - Kronecker tensor product.
- logm - Computes the matrix logarithm of a square matrix.
- lu - LU matrix factorization.
- orth - Range space of a matrix.
- planerot - Givens plane rotation.
- rank - Rank of matrix.
- rcond - Inverse condition number.
- rref - Gauss-Jordan elimination.
- rsf2csf - Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form.
- schur - Schur decomposition.
- sqrtm - Computes the matrix square root of a square matrix.
- subspace - Angle between two subspaces.
- svd - Singular Value Decomposition.
- trace - Matrix trace.
- vecnorm - Vector-wise norm.