creates text descriptions to data points.
- text(x, y, txt)
- text(x, y, z, txt)
- text(... , propertyName, propertyValue)
- text(ax, ...)
- go = text(...)
Input argument
- x - x-coordinates: vector or matrix.
- y - y-coordinates: vector or matrix.
- z - z-coordinates: vector or matrix.
- parent - a scalar graphics object value: parent container, specified as a axes.
- text - Text to display: character vector, string scalar, string array or cell array.
- propertyName - a scalar string or row vector character.
- propertyValue - a value.
Output argument
- go - a graphics object: text type.
figure creates figure.
BackgroundColor: Color of text box background: RGB triplet.
Children: Children: [].
Color: Text color: RGB triplet, [0 0 0] (default) or hexadecimal color code.
EdgeColor: Color of box outline: RGB triplet.
Extent: Size and location of rectangle that encloses text: four-element vector.
FontAngle: Character slant: 'italic' or 'normal' (default).
FontName: Font name:
FontSize: Font size: scalar value greater than zero.
FontUnits: Font size units: 'inches', 'centimeters', 'normalized', 'pixels' or 'points' (default).
FontWeight: Character thickness: 'bold' or 'normal' (default).
HorizontalAlignment: Horizontal alignment of text with respect to position point: 'center', 'right', 'left' (default).
Interpreter: 'tex' (default) interpreter or 'none'.
LineStyle: Line style of box outline: 'none', '--', ':', '-.' or '-' (default).
LineWidth: Width of box outline: scalar numeric value.
Margin: Space around text within the text box: scalar numeric value.
Parent: Parent: axes object.
Position: Location of text: two-element vector of form [x y] or three-element vector of form [x y z].
Rotation: Text orientation: scalar value in degrees.
String: Text to display: character vector, cell array of character vectors, string array, numeric value or '' (default).
Tag: Object identifier: character vector, string scalar or '' (default).
Type: Type of graphics object: 'text'.
Units: Position and extent units: 'normalized', 'inches', 'centimeters', 'characters', 'points', 'pixels' or 'data' (default).
UserData: User data: array or [] (default).
VerticalAlignment: Vertical alignment of text with respect to position point.
Visible: State of visibility: 'off' or 'on' (default).
CreateFcnCallback (function handle, string or cell) called when object is created. Set this property on an existing component has no effect.
DeleteFcnCallback (function handle, string or cell) called when object is deleted.
BeingDeleted Flag indicating that the object is being deleted.
Some properties are available only for compatibility and have currently no effect on the text.
lists of the supported special characters for the 'tex' interpreter:
Superscript: ^{ } 'text^{superscript}'
Subscript: _{ } 'text_{subscript}'
Character Sequence | Symbol |
\alpha | α |
\upsilon | υ |
\sim | ~ |
\angle | ∠ |
\phi | ϕ |
\leq | ≤ |
\ast | * |
\chi | χ |
\infty | ∞ |
\beta | β |
\psi | ψ |
\clubsuit | ♣ |
\gamma | γ |
\omega | ω |
\diamondsuit | ♦ |
\delta | δ |
\Gamma | Γ |
\heartsuit | ♥ |
\epsilon | ϵ |
\Delta | Δ |
\spadesuit | ♠ |
\zeta | ζ |
\Theta | Θ |
\leftrightarrow | ↔ |
\eta | η |
\Lambda | Λ |
\leftarrow | ← |
\theta | θ |
\Xi | Ξ |
\Leftarrow | ⇐ |
\vartheta | ϑ |
\Pi | Π |
\uparrow | ↑ |
\iota | ι |
\Sigma | Σ |
\rightarrow | → |
\kappa | κ |
\Upsilon | ϒ |
\Rightarrow | ⇒ |
\lambda | λ |
\Phi | Φ |
\downarrow | ↓ |
\mu | µ |
\Psi | Ψ |
\circ | º |
\nu | ν |
\Omega | Ω |
\pm | ± |
\xi | ξ |
\forall | ∀ |
\geq | ≥ |
\pi | π |
\exists | ∃ |
\propto | ∝ |
\rho | ρ |
\ni | ∍ |
\partial | ∂ |
\sigma | σ |
\cong | ≅ |
\bullet | • |
\varsigma | ς |
\approx | ≈ |
\div | ÷ |
\tau | τ |
\Re | ℜ |
\neq | ≠ |
\equiv | ≡ |
\oplus | ⊕ |
\aleph | ℵ |
\Im | ℑ |
\cup | ∪ |
\wp | ℘ |
\otimes | ⊗ |
\subseteq | ⊆ |
\oslash | ∅ |
\cap | ∩ |
\in | ∈ |
\supseteq | ⊇ |
\supset | ⊃ |
\lceil | ⌈ |
\subset | ⊂ |
\int | ∫ |
\cdot | · |
\o | ο |
\rfloor | ⌋ |
\neg | ¬ |
\nabla | ∇ |
\lfloor | ⌊ |
\times | x |
\ldots | ... |
\perp | ⊥ |
\surd | √ |
\prime | ´ |
\wedge | ∧ |
\varpi | ϖ |
\0 | ∅ |
\rceil | ⌉ |
\rangle | 〉 |
\mid | | |
\vee | ∨ |
\langle | 〈 |
\copyright | © |
f = figure(1)
t = text(0.5, 0.5, 'text here');
s = t.FontSize;
t.FontSize = 12;
t.Color = 'red';
ha = {'left', 'center', 'right'};
va = {'bottom', 'middle', 'top'};
color = {'red', 'green', 'blue'};
x = [0.25 0.5 0.75];
y = x;
for t = 0:45:359;
for nh = 1:numel (ha)
for nv = 1:numel (va)
text (x(nh), y(nv), 'Nelson', ...
'rotation', t, ...
'horizontalalignment', ha{nh}, ...
'verticalalignment', va{nv}, ...
'color', color{nv});
axis([0 1 0 1]);
title (_('Text alignment and rotation (0:45:360 degrees)'));
xlabel(_('Horizontal alignment'));
ylabel (_('Vertical alignment'));
h1 = text(0.5, 0.5, 'Nelson \copyright')
% Nelson is full unicode, so
h2 = text(0.5, 0.3, 'OR Nelson ©')
See also
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | initial version |
1.7.0 | CreateFcn, DeleteFcn callback added. |
-- | BeingDeleted property added. |