surface plot.
- surf(X, Y, Z)
- surf(X, Y, Z, C)
- surf(Z)
- surf(Z, C)
- surf(parent, ...)
- surf(..., propertyName, propertyValue)
- go = surf(...)
Input argument
- X - x-coordinates: vector or matrix.
- Y - y-coordinates: vector or matrix.
- Z - z-coordinates: vector or matrix.
- C - Color array: m-by-n-by-3 array of RGB triplets.
- parent - a scalar graphics object value: parent container, specified as a axes.
- propertyName - a scalar string or row vector character.
- propertyValue - a value.
Output argument
- go - a graphics object: surface type.
surf creates a 3D surface plot. It can be used to plot data in the form of a matrix or a function of two variables.
You can customize the appearance of the plot using various options such as color, lighting, and shading.
For example, you can use the colormap option to change the color of the surface, and the FaceLighting option to change the lighting of the surface.
AlphaData Transparency data: array same size as ZData or 1 (default).
AlphaDataMapping Interpretation of AlphaData values: 'direct', 'none' or 'scaled' (default).
AmbientStrength Strength of ambient light: scalar in [0, 1].
BackFaceLighting Face lighting when normals point away from camera: 'unlit', 'lit' or 'reverselit' (default).
CData Vertex colors: 2-D or 3-D array.
CDataMapping Color mapping method: 'direct', 'scaled' (default).
CDataMode Selection mode for CData: 'manual', 'auto' (default).
Children currently not used: []
DiffuseStrength Strength of diffuse light: scalar in range [0, 1].
EdgeAlpha Edge transparency: scalar value in range[0, 1].
EdgeColor Edge line color: RGB triplets.
EdgeLighting Effect of light objects on edges: 'flat', 'gouraud' or 'none' (default).
FaceAlpha Face transparency: scalar in range [0, 1].
FaceColor Face color: RGB triplet.
FaceLighting Effect of light objects on faces: 'gouraud', 'none' or 'flat' (default).
LineStyle Line style: '--', ':', '-.', 'none' or '-' (default).
LineWidth Line width: positive value, 0.5 (default).
MarkerMarker symbol: 'o' (circle), '+' (Plus sign), '*' (asterik), '.' (point), 'x' (cross), '_' (horizontal line) , '|' (vertical line), 'square', 'diamond', '^' (Upward-pointing triangle), 'v' (Downward-pointing triangle), '>' (Right-pointing triangle), '<' (Left-pointing triangle), 'pentagram', 'hexagram', 'none'(default).
MarkerEdgeColor Marker outline color: RGB triplet.
MarkerFaceColor Marker fill color: RGB triplet.
MarkerSize Marker size: scalar positive value.
MeshStyle Edges to display: 'row', 'column' or 'both' (default).
Parent Parent: axes object.
SpecularColorReflectance Color of specular reflections: scalar in range [0, 1].
SpecularExponent Size of specular spot: scalar greater than or equal to 1.
SpecularStrength Strength of specular reflection: scalar in range [0, 1].
Tag Object identifier: character vector, string scalar or '' (default).
Type Type of graphics object: 'surface'.
UserData User data: array or [] (default).
VertexNormals Normal vectors for each surface vertex: m-by-n-by-3 array or [] (default).
Visible State of visibility: 'off' or 'on' (default).
XData x-coordinate data: vector or matrix.
XDataMode Selection mode for XData: 'manual' or 'auto'.
YData y-coordinate data: vector or matrix.
YDataMode Selection mode for YData: 'manual' or 'auto'.
ZData z-coordinate data: vector or matrix.
CreateFcnCallback (function handle, string or cell) called when object is created. Set this property on an existing component has no effect.
DeleteFcnCallback (function handle, string or cell) called when object is deleted.
BeingDeleted Flag indicating that the object is being deleted.
Some properties are available only for compatibility and have currently no effect on the surface.
f = figure();
[X, Y, Z] = peaks(35);
C(:, :, 1) = zeros(35);
C(:, :, 2) = ones(35) .* linspace(0.5, 0.6, 35);
C(:, :, 3) = ones(35) .* linspace(0, 1, 35);
S = surf(X, Y, Z, C)
f = figure();
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-8:.5:8);
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) + eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;
h = surf(X, Y, Z);
axis square
See also
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | initial version |
1.7.0 | CreateFcn, DeleteFcn callback added. |
-- | BeingDeleted property added. |