Design Kalman filter for state estimation.
- [kalmf, L, P, M, Z] = kalman(sys, Q, R, N)
- [kalmf, L, P, M, Z] = kalman(sys, Q, R, N, sensors, known)
Input argument
- sys - Plant model with process noise: state-space model.
- Q - Process noise covariance: scalar or matrix.
- R - Measurement noise covariance: scalar or matrix.
- N - Noise cross covariance: scalar or matrix.
- sensors - Measured outputs of sys: vector.
- known - Known inputs of sys: vector.
Output argument
- kalmf - Kalman estimator: state-space model
- L - Filter gains: matrix
- P - Steady-state error covariances: matrix
- M - Innovation gains of state estimators: matrix
- Z - Steady-state error covariances: matrix
[kalmf, L, P] = kalman(sys, Q, R, N) generates a Kalman filter using the provided plant model sys and noise covariance matrices Q, R, and N.
The function calculates a Kalman filter suitable for application in a Kalman estimator, as depicted in the following diagram.
A = [11.269 -0.4940 1.129; 1.0000 0 0;0 1.0000 0];
B = [-0.3832; 0.5919; 0.5191];
C = [1 0 0];
sys = ss(A,[B, B], C, 0);
Q = 1;
R = 1;
[kEst, l, p, m, z] = kalman(sys, Q, R, [])
See also
Version | Description |
1.0.0 | initial version |